
共 1925 個結果
頁數:1...56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 ...97

Czech cyber watchdog warns against use of Huawei, ZTE products

The Czech Republic's cyber watchdog on Monday warned the nation's network operators against using software or hardware made by Chinese telecoms equipment firms Huawei and ZTE, Reuters reports. The Cze ...More

EJ Insight2018-12-18

Fed comes under White House fire as it prepares to raise rates

With the US Federal Reserve expected to announce this week another hike in benchmark interest rates, President Donald Trump and his top trade adviser on Monday ratcheted up their criticism of the cent ...More

EJ Insight2018-12-18

The death of 'little four' ideology

In the Golden '70s, what drove social mobility in Hong Kong was the “Little Four” ideology. This, of course, refers to every young Hongkonger's dream of owning a car and a home, getting hitched and ha ...More

EJ Insight2018-12-17


仲有一個星期就到普天同慶兼齊齊消費嘅聖誕節啦(仲要喺我老爸生日,佢真係12月25日生日架),聖誕到之前仲有一餐 ...全文


'Digital transformation can upset people greatly'

Global executive search firm DHR International has presented a white paper that reveals best-practice cases from businesses that have successfully transformed into digital businesses, including Hong K ...More

EJ Insight2018-12-13

一地兩檢覆核申請遭駁回 梁國雄表明上訴

前立法會議員社民連梁國雄、青年新政梁頌恆等共4人,早前就西九高鐵總站實施一地兩檢,提出司法覆核,高等法院今早拒 ...全文



今日架巴士好鬼快,搭二上車,搭半到我就落車;返到嚟公司第一件事>去咗個廁所先;第二件事就係開機將隻滙豐C ...全文


Trump ex-lawyer Cohen jailed for three years

US President Donald Trump’s former personal lawyer Michael Cohen was sentenced to three years in prison for crimes including orchestrating hush payments to women in violation of campaign laws before t ...More

EJ Insight2018-12-13


誠如噚日所講,一早落咗場嘅恒指熊(69746)喺2點幾就嚟3點到,恒指5分鐘圖見SlowSTC(14,3)剷到 ...全文


India's ruling BJP suffers big defeat in key state elections

India’s ruling Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) lost power in three key states on Tuesday, dealing Prime Minister Narendra Modi his biggest defeat since he took office in 2014 and boosting the opposition ...More

EJ Insight2018-12-12

Canadian court grants bail to Huawei executive

A Canadian court has granted bail to a top executive of Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd. while she awaits a hearing for extradition to the United States, Reuters reports. Meng Wanzhou, 46, Huawei’s chief ...More

EJ Insight2018-12-12

Huawei executive seeks bail in US extradition case

A Canadian provincial court was considering whether to grant bail to a top executive of one of the world’s biggest telecommunications companies, China's Huawei Technologies, Reuters reports.  US prose ...More

EJ Insight2018-12-11

Hong Kong set to take global IPO crown but many new listings sag

Hong Kong is on course to take the global IPO crown this year for the most money raised in stock market flotations, narrowly ahead of arch-rival New York, but its new listings have posted the worst pe ...More

EJ Insight2018-12-10

When dealing with impertinence, don't lose your sense of humor

A recent advertising campaign mounted by Italian fashion brand Dolce & Gabbana (D&G) has provoked a firestorm of controversy in the mainland. The online video ad, which features a Chinese woma ...More

EJ Insight2018-12-07

【輪證贏家】進取者再博Day trade恒指熊

依家9點35分,市剛剛開咗5分鐘,晨咁早打到呢隻稿唔係我好早返到公司,而係我根本無返公司,係呀,「Sick l ...全文



1996年,張衛健(Dicky)主演的無綫電視劇《西遊記》在香港大熱,長如急口令的金句,加上毛茸茸的「孫悟空」 ...影片



上周五(11月30日)個市確係飄忽,今朝都仲見到隻騰訊(00700)死死吓咁,於是就揀隻騰訊熊(69430)出 ...全文



噚日揀出嚟嘅恒指牛(57528),噚日下晝2點25分至35分,恒指5分鐘圖SlowSTC(14,3)就處於嚴重 ...全文


Cryptocurrencies to survive sell-off: Allianz's El-Erian

Allianz chief economic adviser Mohamed El-Erian said cryptocurrencies are here to stay despite a prolonged slump this year, and will gain wider acceptance after the recent entry of more institutional ...More

EJ Insight2018-11-28

Trump open to deal with Xi at G20 dinner: Kudlow

US President Donald Trump is open to reaching a deal on US-China trade irritants over dinner on Saturday with Chinese leader Xi Jinping but is ready to hike tariffs on Chinese imports if there is no b ...More

EJ Insight2018-11-28

頁數:1...56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 ...97

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