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金鷹多賺逾兩倍 客流量漲22.5%

... 於去年12月7日簽署7-Eleven便利店授權合作協議,獲得江蘇省7-Eleven便利店20年的經營權,預計江 ...全文


【盤前部署】美股大跌 恒指冀尾市反彈

... 集團子公司取得江蘇省7-Eleven 的20年經營權,正式進軍便利店業務。江蘇省7-Eleven計劃在2018 ...全文



美國聯邦交易委員會(FTC)上周五表示,7-ELEVEN便利店母公司Seven & i Holding ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2018年01月22日

Mark Six 'Five Ones' jackpot awaits the lucky winner

... ot, and a 7-Eleven store in Florida sold the ticket that won the US$450 top prize for the Mega Millions draw last Friday. On the other hand, winning the Mark Six jackpot is no guarantee for a happy re ...More

EJ Insight2018-01-10

【信報月刊】土地污染 「阿燦」北上種有機米

... 的代理權,在全港所有7-Eleven便利店售賣,每公斤賣18元港幣,結果一個月內賣不出4包。「當年有機的概念很 ...全文


兩小無猜 一起大業

... 一數二要算怡和旗下的7-Eleven和必勝客。本來香港必勝客的特許經營權由恆裕公司所擁有,在香港營運了幾年後, ...全文



據路透報道,金鷹商貿(03308)旗下子公司取得江蘇省7-Eleven的20年經營權,為集團在商業零售及超市業 ...全文



...  Johnson)及7-Eleven集團等。 軍人注重體能,西點軍校對運動當然極重視。自從前美國總統羅斯福於三 ...全文


Hong Kong will embrace China’s mobile payment – eventually

... s such as 7-Eleven and Circle K stores. The Octopus card went online in recent years. It launched an app for topping up and making online payments, providing the functions on the Android mobile device ...More

EJ Insight2017-11-24

TNG Wallet now available at all 7-Eleven HK stores

TNG Wallet, one of Hong Kong’s top five digital wallets, announced a partnership with convenience chain 7-Eleven, making payment and cash withdrawal services available around the clock at more than 90 ...More

EJ Insight2017-08-31

Why is Hong Kong obsessed with commemorative banknotes?

... nacks and 7-Eleven freebies – because of their resale value, if not for anything else. Come to think of it, there's really nothing wrong about a state-owned bank taking advantage of its money-printing ...More

EJ Insight2017-08-22

7-Eleven貼心最佳服務 方便到爆

7-Eleven「方便到爆」外遊服務於8月起發售iVenture旅遊通行証,節省高達40%。iVenture香 ...全文


Vietnamese-Canadian says devil told him to kill 7-Eleven worker

A Vietnamese-Canadian pleaded not guilty to a charge of murder for stabbing a 7-Eleven storekeeper to death, saying the devil had told him to do so.  The High Court heard that Bui Van Cuong, 32, who c ...More

EJ Insight2017-07-05

銀行推Samsung Pay優惠搶客

... ng Pay消費,在7-Eleven單一消費滿30元減10元,在萬寧及GNC專門店單一消費滿500元減50元, ...全文


Apple Pay擴版圖 支援銀聯提款卡

... 日起至6月30日,在7-Eleven單一消費滿30元或以上即減10元,惟優惠不適用於購買香煙、奶粉、 網上遊戲 ...全文


Police arrest 7-Eleven axe robber

... involving 7-Eleven stores. The Regional Crime Unit of New Territories North made the arrest after going through CCTV footage and witnesses accounts, news website hk01 reports. Officers picked up the s ...More

EJ Insight2017-04-27

Odd and outdated: HK in the eyes of a Shanghai architect

... hing to a 7-Eleven shop in the wee hours for a toilet roll. Everyone knows that the right place to get stuff like this is not in a convenience store but in a supermarket. “Seriously? 7-Elevens here do ...More

EJ Insight2017-02-20

James Tien: Hong Kong is blessed but people still unhappy

... ring that 7-Eleven doesn't sell them. The news spread quickly, and James lost no time in posting on his Facebook page photos of himself at a 7-Eleven store with the caption: "Don't worry, I'm not here ...More

EJ Insight2017-02-07

WeChat Pay全港7-11可增值
周五起開通 月限5000元

... 日(周五)起接受全港7-Eleven便利店(又可稱7-11)現金增值,提供綁定信用卡以外的選擇,每月上限為50 ...全文


Police investigate suspected carton-drink spiking case

... ased at a 7-Eleven store located at the Ngau Tau Kok MTR station. The purchases were made at around 3 pm on Wednesday, said Ng, who works as a manager at a sports equipment company. After suffering st ...More

EJ Insight2016-11-18

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