
共 160 個結果
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Why human chess survives

... cause the advent of computers and computer databases has made chess a truly universal sport. Once dominated by Russia, Vishy Anand of India held the title before Carlsen, and China’s Ding Liren seems ...More

EJ Insight2018-11-29

Big data is the foundation for building a smart city

... ming. The advent of big data era has changed the way data is generated. Since artificial intelligence technology has been infused into various aspects of a city, from transportation, power supply, sec ...More

EJ Insight2018-11-21

The promise of AI in the developing world

... since the advent of artificial intelligence (AI). For example, the vast majority of home "smart speaker" personal assistants, like Amazon’s Alexa, are shipped to wealthy countries. In 2017, over 80 pe ...More

EJ Insight2018-10-31

Phone makers bet on 5G for growth

With the advent of the fifth generation of mobile communications technology, leading chipmaker Qualcomm Inc. said at least six smartphone makers will be launching their 5G products by the end of this ...More

EJ Insight2018-10-24

Microsoft's Paul Allen dies of cancer complications at 65

...  with the advent of the “wired world”, were not as successful. He lost US$8 billion in the cable television industry, chiefly with a bad bet on cable company Charter Communications, while technology v ...More

EJ Insight2018-10-16

Three key elements of smart industry

... d, as the advent of cloud and Internet of Things enables massive data to be collected and help assist operations, analysis of such data could improve the capability to forecast future trends. AI and r ...More

EJ Insight2018-10-15

Tencent aims to become enterprise-focused service provider

...  With the advent of artificial intelligence and 5G mobile technology, the company will use technology as its engine to explore new opportunities, such as the development of industrial internet and the ...More

EJ Insight2018-10-02

AI and price competition

Price competition has been in existence since mankind started to trade. How has the price war evolved with the advent of artificial intelligence? It is said that Amazon adjusts its pricing over 2.5 mi ...More

EJ Insight2018-09-28

Data governance is prerequisite for turning data into assets

People have been collecting and processing information since ancient days. The process has not changed much over the last several thousand years, until the advent of personal computers. With the proli ...More

EJ Insight2018-09-12

Starbucks China forced to respond to Luckin's delivery challenge

Quite often in China, if you want the business, you have to adapt to the local practice and local taste. This appears to be true as well for the top global coffee chain Starbucks. The advent of new te ...More

EJ Insight2018-08-06

Helping our kids realize their dreams

...  With the advent of new technologies, changing global geopolitical environment, shifting economic structure and climate changes, kids are facing an unknown future. To meet the challenges from this unk ...More

EJ Insight2018-07-23

Why it's becoming more difficult to keep work-life balance

...  with the advent of new internet technologies. Instead, they are devoting even more hours to their work. Full-time American workers spent an average of 8.89 hours per day in their workplace last year, ...More

EJ Insight2018-07-20

Middle-class: The uphill struggle

...  With the advent of instant messaging software, WRP, big data and other new technologies, middle management jobs are fast disappearing. Horizontal organization and lean management have become the norm ...More

EJ Insight2018-07-19

GE售電力批發業務予Advent 套現253億

美國私募基金Advent同意收購通用電氣(GE)旗下電力批發分支,涉及金額為32.5億美元(253.5億港元) ...全文


GE售發動機業務 涉資逾257億元

... 業務賣給私募基金公司Advent International。 剝離包括Jenbacher和Waukesha發 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2018年06月26日

GE傳售工業引擎業務 涉資234億

... 擎生產業務予私募基金Advent。 消息人士指出,雙方最快周一公布有關消息。Advent是擊敗包括Cummin ...全文



加拿大瑜伽服生產商Lululemon Athletica公布,向私募基金Advent回購330萬股,而後者同時 ...全文


沃爾瑪售巴西分支八成權益 撥備351億

全球最大零售商沃爾瑪公布,出售虧損嚴重的巴西分支80%股權予私募基金Advent。 這是沃爾瑪自4月以來第三宗 ...全文


Is Hong Kong lagging behind in 5G development?

...  with the advent of the 5G era, Hong Kong appears lagging behind. While China and South Korea are gearing up for the commercial launch of 5G services by next year, our government won't issue licenses ...More

EJ Insight2018-05-15

From dollar to e-SDR

... . But the advent of cryptocurrencies may offer another way: the private sector can work directly with central banks to create a digital SDR to use as a unit of account and store of value. Such an "e-S ...More

EJ Insight2018-04-30

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