Western Digital Corp. said on Tuesday it will seek an injunction to block the sale of Toshiba Corp.’s prized semiconductor business to a rival group, upping the ante in an acrimonious battle with its ...More
EJ Insight2017-09-27
Unilever PLC has entered into an agreement to buy Carver Korea, a Seoul-based maker of toners and moisturizers, for US$2.7 billion. The Anglo-Dutch consumer products giant is acquiring the Korean ski ...More
EJ Insight2017-09-26
英國聯合利華(Unilever)昨天公布,同意以22.7億歐羅(約211億港元)收購南韓護膚品公司Carver ...全文
晶片講求速度,諷刺的是,日本東芝把晶片業務放盤,竟擾攘多時才有定案,周三同意將業務售予美國私募基金貝恩資本(B ...全文
今日信報理財投資THE LEX COLUMN2017年09月22日
日本東芝晶片業務放盤擾釀近8個月終有定案,董事局昨天拍板,「飛起」其合作夥伴Western Digital C ...全文
在感恩節及聖誕購物旺季快將來臨之際,美國最大玩具連鎖店玩具反斗城(Toys"R"Us)因承受不了沉重債務和網購 ...全文
Toys "R" Us (Asia) Ltd. on Tuesday clarified that its stores in Hong Kong and other parts of Greater China and Southeast Asia remain open and unaffected by the US company's financial restructuring. To ...More
EJ Insight2017-09-19
A consortium led by Bain Capital has made a revised last-ditch offer for Toshiba Corp’s chip unit worth about US$18 billion, bringing in Apple Inc. to help bolster its bid, Reuters reports, citing sou ...More
EJ Insight2017-08-31
Toshiba Corporation has sued Western Digital for 120 billion yen (US$1.1 billion), accusing the US firm of interfering in the attempted sale of the Japanese technology giant's flash-memory chip unit. ...More
EJ Insight2017-06-29
日本東芝出售旗下晶片業務終於有眉目,公司昨天表示傾向一個由日本政府撐腰的日美韓資財團買入,確認選定「日美韓聯盟 ...全文
民宿出租平台Airbnb正洽購美國加州初創公司Trooly Inc,以便日後在社交媒體上監察租戶或業主有否不良 ...全文
今日信報財經新聞StartupBeat 創科鬥室2017年06月20日
Toshiba Corp. aims to name a winner for its prized semiconductor business next week, Reuters reports, citing people familiar with the matter. Sources told the news agency the choice has narrowed to on ...More
EJ Insight2017-06-08
英國《金融時報》等多間傳媒報道,美國私募基金貝恩資本(Bain Capital)加入戰團,提出以100億美元( ...全文
日本科技大廠東芝陷入資不抵債困局,如今決定把公司最賺錢的快閃記憶體業務分拆,成立一家新公司,並出售其中逾50% ...全文
今日信報EJ GlobalEJ GLOBAL plus 國金趨勢陸錦榮2017年03月04日
中資繼續積極尋求海外併購。過去多次因併購而影響業績的聯想控股(03396)傳再出手,擬斥逾164億港元競購西班 ...全文
Toshiba Corp.’s memory-chip unit has drawn bidders from South Korea, the US and Taiwan, and some involved in the process see advantages to a deal with Western Digital Corp., the Wall Street Journal re ...More
EJ Insight2017-02-08
油組談妥,令油價急升,是上周的變數,但筆者發現一個奇怪的現象,就是美股的航空股指數(NYSE Arca Air ...全文
麥當勞於今年3月重整全球業務,其中計劃出售中港及北亞洲業務,引來各大財團參與競投,競投程序已接近尾聲。外電報道 ...全文
美國剛過了感恩節,聖誕將至,又是零售商一年一度大搏殺的季節,對於近年銷售疲弱的玩具反斗城(Toys "R" U ...全文