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... 士多德、伯克萊主教(Bishop Berkeley)老來還俗遲婚,費希特(Fichte)、黑格爾(Hegel) ...全文



搔癢與打呵欠俱會在人群中互相傳染,話說華盛頓大學醫學院的神經生理學家佐治畢曉普(George Bishop)1 ...全文


Australia 'deeply concerned' over reporters' arrest in Malaysia

... ter Julie Bishop said on Monday. The journalists from the Australian Broadcasting Corporation's (ABC) investigative journalism program, Four Corners, were arrested in the Borneo state of Sarawak on Sa ...More

EJ Insight2016-03-14


... 外形巨大的有主教魚(Bishop fish),胸鰭如手,尾鰭如腳,穿了靴子,頭上突起如主教帽,可能是一種畏懼權 ...全文



... 什(Heather Bishop,1949)是委員之一,引發爭議。比什是全能的音樂人,精通多種樂器,能作曲、寫 ...全文


How a school chief tries to help immigrant students

Kwong Sau-chee, principal of HKSKH Bishop Hall Secondary School, is quick with her answers when asked about the source of her inspiration in her chosen profession. A firm belief in God and her experie ...More

EJ Insight2016-01-09


... 作者Matthew Bishop跟Michael Green指出,美國人樂善好施,年度捐款達GDP的1.7%。 ...全文


LGBT groups slam Catholic leaders for adding insult to injury

... hurch and Bishop of Hong Kong, John Tong Hon, came under fire after he was quoted as saying that Catholics who will be voting in the District Council elections on Nov. 22 should be mindful of the cand ...More

EJ Insight2015-11-09

澳研雲端護照 推「無證」外遊

... 畢曉普(Julie Bishop)認為,相關做法未來將風行全球。 外長強調須有足夠保安 畢曉普又證實,澳洲正在 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2015年10月30日


... 中國觀察員Bill Bishop相信,即使fb成功進入中國,也不會對其原有用戶基礎造成影響,因為fb在中國的營 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global平行時空沈旭暉2015年10月15日

Australia to bid for UN Security Council seat

Australia will bid to rejoin the United Nations Security Council by the end of the next decade, Foreign Minister Julie Bishop said on Wednesday. In a statement, Bishop said Australia, whose last two-y ...More

EJ Insight2015-09-30

新總理上任 澳元或區間上落

... 畢曉普(Julie Bishop),於副黨魁選舉中,則以70對30票成功連任,但其他部長不排除會被撤換。花旗分 ...全文


Turnbull ousts Abbott to become new Australia PM

... ter Julie Bishop was re-elected deputy leader of the party which, with junior coalition partner the National Party, won a landslide election in 2013. Abbott had earlier pledged to fight the challenge ...More

EJ Insight2015-09-15

5年第3次「政變」 高民望部長接任

... 畢曉普(Julie Bishop)連任副黨魁。阿博特昨日早上仍否認可能遭逼宮的傳聞,但不久,特恩布爾與畢曉普便 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2015年09月15日

Pope to allow all priests to forgive abortion

... n) only a bishop can approve forgiveness for abortion. He will then delegate an expert priest to hear the confession. "I have decided, notwithstanding anything to the contrary, to allow all priests fo ...More

EJ Insight2015-09-02

Boundary Street: A metaphor for Hong Kong's uncertain future

... chool and Bishop Hall Jubilee School. Parents buy or rent homes in the area so that their kids can attend these elite schools -- without giving a hoot to which side of the street the property is locat ...More

EJ Insight2015-08-21


澳洲眾議院議長畢曉普(Bronwyn Bishop)近期捲入多宗濫用公帑醜聞,昨天不敵壓力辭職,總理阿博特(T ...全文

今日信報EJ Global簡訊2015年08月03日

親俄分子亂翻遺物 多國促懲兇

... 畢曉普(Julie Bishop)表示,即使空難已發生一年,但片段令人噁心,亦證實澳方當時情報無誤,即客機遭地 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2015年07月18日

Are the Vatican and China getting closer?

...  Catholic bishops, believing that undermines the authority of the state. As a result, Beijing allows only the Chinese Patriotic Catholic Association, which severed ties with the Vatican in 1958, to op ...More

EJ Insight2015-07-13

Pope creates court to try bishops over mishandled sex cases

A special court will try bishops responsible for mishandling sex abuse cases. Pope Francis set the wheels in motion by decreeing its establishment at the recommendation of a papal commission. The Wall ...More

EJ Insight2015-06-11

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