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... 以拓展AI業務。■ Gap展開次輪裁員行動,裁減1800名僱員。■ Lyft宣布裁減1072名僱員,相當於僱員 ...全文


Gap展開次輪裁員 涉1800名僱員

美國最大服裝連鎖集團Gap展開第二輪裁員行動,裁減1800名僱員,以應對高通脹下的嚴峻經營挑戰。 消息曝光後, ...全文


【國際早班車】FRB據報擬售千億美元資產自救 股價瀉

... 易組織產生衝突。■ Gap據報將裁減逾500名僱員。■ 3M將在全球裁減約6000個職位。■ 幣安美國合夥人B ...全文



CNBC引述消息人士稱,美國服裝集團Gap將裁減逾500名僱員,以節省營運成本及提升經營效益。 消息曝光後,G ...全文


The Fed’s credibility problem

... bly large gap for the central bank at the center of the global financial system. Markets continue to go against everything they have heard and read from the Fed by pricing in a rate cut as early as Ju ...More

EJ Insight2023-04-06

Tax the rich to save the planet

... vely. The gap continues to widen. Billions of people are suffering from rising living costs and stagnant wages, and with recession looming, prospects for achieving greater prosperity appear bleak. The ...More

EJ Insight2023-04-04


... 行,過去大學生常見的Gap Year(空檔年)更成為妄想。隨着社會逐步回復日常,同學或者年輕人們應該抓住旅行的 ...全文


The water crisis is a vital investment opportunity

... nvestment gap alone. Businesses have an important role to play. According to the CDP, a not-for-profit organization that collects environmental-impact data, more than $300 billion of business value is ...More

EJ Insight2023-03-24

道指收市挫345點 SVB倒閉銀行股續捱沽

... 期,股價挫3.2%,Gap業績差過預期,股價瀉6.1%。英特爾攀升3%,為升幅最大道指成份股;Caterpil ...全文


工資緩升鬆口氣 道指反覆跌

... 期,股價挫3.2%,Gap業績差過預期,股價瀉6.1%。 歐洲股市在銀行股領跌下受壓,英、法及德國股市分別低收 ...全文


Gap上季虧損擴大 收入跌6%

美國大型服裝集團Gap公布,截至1月28日止第四季虧損2.73億元(美元‧下同),前一年度同期虧損為1600萬 ...全文


The climate security failure

... . And the gap is widening: developing countries’ annual climate-adaptation needs are expected to increase to $160-340 billion by 2030 and to $315-565 billion by 2050. Fortunately, governments have bec ...More

EJ Insight2023-03-06

Adopt proactive cyber defense strategy in the post-pandemic era

... arges the gap of IT security skill shortage in many organizations. Organizations with limited staffs and resources may need tools providing better visibility and automation for threat detection and in ...More

EJ Insight2023-03-03

The death of Hong Kong?

... ll a huge gap between rich and poor. The political atmosphere, as we all know, is much more constrained. But the key elements of Hong Kong’s autonomy – the rule of law and the freedom of speech – are ...More

EJ Insight2023-02-23

The death of Hong Kong?

... ll a huge gap between rich and poor. The political atmo ...全文

今日信報時事評論EJ Insight貝淡寧2023年02月23日

UNIQLO北美擴張 門店擬增兩倍

... 家門店,美國本土品牌Gap更有超過2000家。 迅銷亦會投入更多資金在艾奧瓦州和得州做推廣,務求令優衣庫的北美 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2023年02月21日

2023: Trends to watch in science, technology and sustainability

... pect that gap to slowly start closing in 2023. 2. High-tech cars New technology brings disruption and opportunities to almost every industry. The auto sector is no exception. Electric vehicles are bec ...More

EJ Insight2023-02-20

Data protection in the cloud: 3 best practices

...  is a big gap in awareness of the shared responsibility model on which cloud security is built on. This means they assume the provider is responsible for certain security measures when in reality it's ...More

EJ Insight2023-02-17

Closing the eco gender gap

A recent Twitter spat between influencer Andrew Tate and climate activist Greta Thunberg epitomized the eco gender gap. Tweeting at the activist, Tate – the epitome of a man who views saving the plane ...More

EJ Insight2023-02-16

美再有科企推AI搜尋 標榜資料實時

... 錯誤總結了服裝零售商Gap的2022年第三季度收益,並提供有關寵物吸塵器,以至墨西哥城夜生活的失實訊息。 對科 ...全文

今日信報財經新聞StartupBeat 創科鬥室2023年02月15日

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