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Developer Greentown's odd move to buy an insurer

... lian and, guess what, Aeon Life’s headquarters is also in Dalian. What a coincidence.  This article appeared in the Hong Kong Economic Journal on Dec 21  Translation by Julie Zhu  [Chinese version 中文版 ...More

EJ Insight2018-12-24

As DoJ drops Leung-UGL case, Legco panel expected to follow suit

... anybody's guess as to whether Leung will continue to keep restraining himself, given his well-known penchant to hit back at critics. This article appeared in the Hong Kong Economic Journal on Dec 14 T ...More

EJ Insight2018-12-14

When will the Fed stop its quantitative tightening?

... ts QT? My guess is 6-12 months before the next presidential election in 2020, or if there is crash of the Nasdaq to below 5,000 points. When that happens, it would be great timing for long-term invest ...More

EJ Insight2018-12-13

Has democracy camp lost its appeal after two election defeats?

...  it is to guess future public sentiment. Hong Kong’s pro-government camp is gloating over its Legislative Council by-election victories in Kowloon West last week and in March this year. Camp stalwarts ...More

EJ Insight2018-12-06


... (educated guess),讓讀者對來年大形勢和投資部署有概括了解和掌握。 至於預測是否準確,畢竟金融市 ...全文


Why human chess survives

... tainly my guess in the late 1970s, when the rise of computers was one of the main reasons I gave for retiring from competitive chess. As an MIT graduate student, I had the privilege of playing a numbe ...More

EJ Insight2018-11-29

Guess上季虧損擴大 與歐盟將達違規和解協議

美國服裝連鎖集團Guess公布,第三季錄得1340萬美元虧損,前一年度同期虧損為286萬美元;經調整一次性項目 ...全文


The future of virtual banking in Hong Kong

... tatus. My guess is that companies that have already obtained Stored Value Facilities (SVF) licenses are more likely to succeed, given that they have access to funds through their operations. Cases of ...More

EJ Insight2018-11-22

My high-speed rail journey to Big Bay Area and back

... o Foshan. Guess what, it took 16 stations with two changeovers before I reached Qiandenghu Lake Station. I didn't have much to complain about, though, because the ride was as smooth as changing trains ...More

EJ Insight2018-11-20

Ten years on: Escaping the shadow of Lehman's fall

...  can only guess how they might behave in stressed conditions. Ten years on since Lehman, financial markets are still learning to operate in the new environment created by the financial crisis of 2007- ...More

EJ Insight2018-09-24

沒有牛熊 只有賺蝕

... 種educated guess,自覺工夫做足理據充分大可去馬,否則豈非紙上談兵? 舉個例,亞馬遜去年收購Who ...全文


僅續約兩年失望 憂人才流失

... 引懂得second-guess(揣度)的二三流人才加入政府。 他借用前立法會主席曾鈺成表示很欣賞的一句話:「一 ...全文


Why Jack Ma is handing over control of his Alibaba empire

... p down? I guess there could be a number of possibilities. One is to ensure smooth succession. Secondly, Ma may want to free up more time to pursue his other personal interests. As chairman, Ma has to ...More

EJ Insight2018-09-13

Top Trump aides rush to disavow NYTimes 'resistance' article

... online at guessing the author. A spokesman for Pence said the vice president does not write anonymous opinion columns. “The @nytimes should be ashamed and so should the person who wrote the false, ill ...More

EJ Insight2018-09-07

Guess上季業績符預期 市後股價揚

美國服裝集團Guess公布,第二季淨利潤按年升67.7%至2550萬美元;每股經調整盈利為36美仙,收入升14 ...全文


The Turkish emerging market timebomb

... icies. My guess is that we'll see a return to a more conventional monetary policy, and possibly a new fiscal-policy framework. As for Turkey’s leverage in the current crisis, it is worth remembering t ...More

EJ Insight2018-08-15

Donald Trump or Xi Jinping: Who will win the new Cold War?

...  anyone’s guess how long it will take to surpass the US or if it even can. But Xi – who has strong-armed his way into becoming the country’s most powerful core leader – has already set his global ambi ...More

EJ Insight2018-08-02


... of God. I guess when you die you become much more bigge ...全文


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