... 售旗下品牌榮耀系列(honor)手機業務,避免榮耀的零部件採購受華為禁令限制,同時有利高端產品發展,他相信對品 ...全文
... 減少思考 Your Honor,我們都怯於「法官袍」。Posner卻提醒我們,別忘了法官都是一個人。既然是個人 ...全文
... ties will honor the promises made within. When we invent or design or innovate something we want to be sure it won’t be stolen by a competitor. We want business regulations to be clear and fairly enfo ...More
EJ Insight2020-06-15
... 、Nova6 5G和HONOR 9X均屬暢銷型號。 在5G部署方面,Counterpoint說,5G智能手機的 ...全文
... eted. “We honor the victims by preserving factual accuracy.” The Auschwitz Memorial is responsible for preserving the Nazi German death camp in southern Poland, where more than 1.1 million people, mos ...More
EJ Insight2020-02-24
The United States expects China to honor its commitments to buy more US goods under a trade deal signed by the two sides in January, despite the coronavirus outbreak, Reuters reports, citing a senior ...More
EJ Insight2020-02-21
... therefore honors audaciousness and dangerous behavior. The judges labored long and hard to find a worthy recipient, having been spoilt for choice. Indeed at one point they pondered the possibility of ...More
EJ Insight2019-12-27
... nge is to honor and maintain that trust despite the growing temptation to monetize their data “assets” by selling them or using them for marketing purposes. Robotics, meanwhile, is transforming all in ...More
EJ Insight2019-12-13
... treet and honor debts to China ahead of obligations to pensioners? Modern economies have many important uses for debt. But it is never a risk-free option for governments, which is why it should be tak ...More
EJ Insight2019-12-09
... 家庭醫療保健初創公司Honor投資約1.5億美元(11.7億港元),惟尚未獲願景基金投資委員會批准。孫正義曾告 ...全文
... 隨着工業革命的加速,Honoré de Balzac預見到更廣泛的社會關注:「無明顯成因的巨大財富,其自身秘密 ...全文
名家論壇Project Syndicate2019年12月03日
... red pace, Honoré de Balzac anticipated the broader social concern: “The secret of great fortunes without apparent cause is a crime that has been forgotten, because it was properly carried out.” Or, in ...More
EJ Insight2019-12-02
... . It’s an honor to be here,” he said. It was only the second trip to a war zone by Trump. In 2018, he had traveled to Iraq for a Christmas holiday visit with troops. Trump has wanted to end US involve ...More
EJ Insight2019-11-29
... hina must honor its promises of freedoms and liberties to the Hong Kong people, as stated in the Joint Declaration. When asked to comment, a Chinese foreign ministry spokesman said that Britain had fu ...More
EJ Insight2019-11-28
... hina must honor its promises of freedoms and liberties ...全文
今日信報時事評論EJ InsightFrank Ching2019年11月28日
... China to honor promises of freedom and liberties for the Hong Kong people. Earlier on Monday, China’s ambassador to London accused foreign countries including the United States and Britain of interfe ...More
EJ Insight2019-11-19
... ks on his honor and reputation”. So said the CUHK owns and manages the campus in Shatin, and to many students the university is their second home. The police entered the premises without a warrant or ...More
EJ Insight2019-11-14
... sub-brand Honor launched a multi-model strategy to tap the attention of consumers during the 24-hour event. Huawei and Honor were ranked first and second during the Singles Day event. Honor brand was ...More
EJ Insight2019-11-13
... Medals of Honor),2018年連續第三年入選《哈佛商業評論》全球百大最佳CEO排行榜,另外還曾多 ...全文