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未遂罪(Attempt)一般稱為企圖或試圖犯罪,也是犯罪一種;恐怕在很多人的認知中,犯罪未遂不算犯罪,這是錯的 ...全文



立法會議員個人利益監察委員會昨日提交報告, 就工黨李卓人及社民連梁國雄涉收受黎智英捐款而沒有申報的投訴作結,3 ...全文


Jimmy Lai visits ICAC headquarters

Media mogul Jimmy Lai Chee-ying visited the headquarters of Hong Kong's Independent Commission Against Corruption (ICAC) Wednesday afternoon. Lai, the founder of Next Media Ltd. (00282.HK) and a promi ...More

EJ Insight2014-09-17

ICAC has just created a monster

Is a political donation a bribe? More importantly, does free speech rise to a level that should prompt an investigation by our anti-corruption watchdog? We couldn't help raising these questions after ...More

EJ Insight2014-08-29

Jimmy Lai's top aide admits his father had worked for CIA

Media mogul Jimmy Lai's top aide Mark Simon admitted that his father had worked for the US Central Intelligence Agency for 35 years. As for Simon himself, he hasn't had any links with the US governmen ...More

EJ Insight2014-08-05

Jimmy Lai and his two lieutenants

Media tycoon Jimmy Lai Chee-ying is back in the spotlight as some confidential information stored on the computer of a close associate mysteriously found its way to newspaper offices late Monday. The ...More

EJ Insight2014-07-22

Jimmy Lai consulted Taiwan activist shih, leaked files show

Next Media (00282.HK) chairman Jimmy Lai, an active supporter of pro-democracy groups in Hong Kong, appears to have had some consultations with Shih Ming-teh, one of the most prominent figures in Taiw ...More

EJ Insight2014-07-22

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