
共 158 個結果
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Canadian bacteria-like fossils seen as oldest evidence of life

...  neighbor Mars at that time is thought to have had oceans, long since gone, that may have boasted similar conditions conducive to the advent of life. Tiny filaments and tubes made of a form of iron ox ...More

EJ Insight2017-03-02

How Mars is shifting its focus from candy to pets

Candy giant Mars Inc. agreed to buy animal-hospital chain VCA Inc. for about US$9.1 billion on Monday, marking the biggest ever deal in the pet care industry. Mars has been suffering from slowing dema ...More

EJ Insight2017-01-19


... 全球最大糖果商瑪氏(Mars)上星期宣布,擬豪擲91億美元(約710億港元)收購寵物護理商VCA,將成為「寵需 ...全文


阿里破例取錄港實習生 讚競爭力佳

... VSKI)、瑪氏( Mars)以及華為。 ...全文


甜品漲價啟示 各師其法適應

... 、2013年12月,Mars朱古力條由58gm改為51gm,Snickers朱古力條由58gm改為48gm…… ...全文


Donald Trump’s 'Return to the Moon' project

...  and then Mars later will surely put the US back in the lead again in the space race, thereby fulfilling Trump's promise of “making America great again”. However, the fact that the US is refocusing on ...More

EJ Insight2016-12-08

Living in a spacecraft without space

... rt of the Mars One mission. -- Contact us at [email protected] BK/AC/CG ...More

EJ Insight2016-10-25

Fears grow Europe's Mars lander has been lost

A European space lander reached Mars on Wednesday, but there are growing fears that it has been lost. Older European and US spacecraft already in orbit relayed data of the lander's six-minute descent. ...More

EJ Insight2016-10-20

European-led Mars lander starts descent to red planet

A Mars lander left its mothership on Sunday after a seven-month journey from Earth and headed toward the red planet's surface to test technologies for Europe's planned first Mars rover, which will sea ...More

EJ Insight2016-10-17

Obama says work under way on habitats to help humans reach Mars

US President Barack Obama says efforts are under way to build habitats that could help humans live long-term far from Earth, highlighting his pledge to send people to Mars by the 2030s. The mission is ...More

EJ Insight2016-10-12


... 月份如3月,與火星(Mars)有關,July代表凱撒大帝(Julius Caesar),此月份原名為Quint ...全文



美國總統奧巴馬昨日宣布展開「前往火星」(Getting to Mars)計劃,矢言要在2030年代送太空人到火 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global簡訊2016年10月12日

SpaceX rocket with satellite for Facebook project explodes

... travel to Mars affordable. The company plans to fly its first unmanned spacecraft to Mars in 2018 and to send humans to the red planet as early as 2024. Watch the video: – Contact us at english@hkej ...More

EJ Insight2016-09-02

Earliest fossils found in Greenland rocks 3.7 bln years old

The earliest fossil evidence of life on Earth has been found in rocks 3.7 billion years old in Greenland, scientists said. The discovery raises chances of life on Mars aeons ago when both planets were ...More

EJ Insight2016-09-01

Six-member team ends year-long Mars simulation in Hawaii

Six scientists have completed a year-long simulation of a Mars mission in Hawaii. The team lived in near isolation inside a dome on a Mauna Loa mountain, which was chosen because its soil is similar t ...More

EJ Insight2016-08-29

How fiction can be useful for public science education

... ects of a Mars rescue mission, and even got his novel editorially reviewed by a crowd audience of scientists before it got picked up by Ridley Scott and made into an Academy Award nominated film. Weir ...More

EJ Insight2016-07-04


... 新編排如Bruno Mars及Lady Gaga等多位國際天王天后的經典流行名曲,以及團員所創作的作品外,當然 ...全文


SpaceX to send spacecraft to Mars as soon as 2018

Elon Musk's space transport company has announced plans to send its unmanned Dragon spacecraft to Mars as early as 2018, Bloomberg reports.  SpaceX, which made the announcement via Twitter on Wednesda ...More

EJ Insight2016-04-28

Space: China seeks cooperation with the US

... on— or to Mars, to your space station or ours, wherever, whenever. "The future of space exploration lies in international cooperation. It's true for us, and for the United States too," said China's fi ...More

EJ Insight2016-04-26

法國人在紐約 Tiffany CEO力拓歐洲

... r和美國大型糖果公司Mars工作,後來加入法國奢侈品集團LVMH工作了15年,擔任酒類業務的高層,包括旗下酩悅 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global人氣我寫2016年04月02日

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