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... 南亞將啟用新品牌名「Peak XV Partners」。 ...全文


Thousands of Hong Kong people in Taiwan fail to get residency

... 2018. The peak was 11,173 in 2021, falling to 8,945 in 2022. Of the 2022 arrivals, only 1,300 have received permanent residency (PR). Among the migrants are more than 1,000 nurses. One nurse, Mary, 56 ...More

EJ Insight2023-06-05

事隔4年再開齋 貴絕過去10個月新盤

... 項目Central Peak II(Central Peak發展項目第2期)洋房上月以約4.1億元創下的今年最 ...全文


How to improve smart mobility in addition to new toll scheme?

... ls during peak hours, and take the lead in implementing flexible working hours to persuade public officers to commute during non-peak hours (before 7:30 am or after 10:15 am, and before 4:30 pm or aft ...More

EJ Insight2023-04-17

面積逾7000呎 有機問鼎今年最貴新盤

... 項目Central Peak II(Central Peak發展項目第2期),上月以約4.1億元沽出1幢洋房, ...全文


新地售樓吸金最強 NOVO LAND 2B雙料盤王

... 。 Central Peak II賣4.1億 半載最大碼 新地在上車盤及豪宅市場均表現突出,今年首季共沽約89 ...全文


The population boon

... owth rate peaked in the 1960s and has been falling steadily ever since. Women around the world are choosing to have fewer children, and the global average fertility rate is now just above two children ...More

EJ Insight2023-03-31


... 22今日於中環會德豐Peak Salon開放「穀雨- The Plantation of Hope」藝術展予傳 ...全文


Central Peak II洋房沽4.1億破頂

新盤豪宅接連錄得成交。新地(00016)港島東半山超級豪宅項目Central Peak II(Central ...全文


How to position our AI supercomputer centre?

... ops FP16 (peak speed of operation per second), construction cost in the former city was 75 million yuan, and in the latter was as high as 460 million yuan, which shows the variation in pricing within ...More

EJ Insight2023-03-21

Central Peak四房1.77億售出

新地(00016)旗下東半山司徒拔道18號超級豪宅項目Central Peak(Central Peak發展項 ...全文


Why we should be happy to pay more for bus service

... in during peak hours – perhaps we should bite the bullet for the absorbable hike. After all, how can we expect a better bus service if they are mired in losses. No pain, no gain! ...More

EJ Insight2023-03-15

Popping China’s balloon

... n already peak in 2015, but its economic productivity growth has been slowing, and it has few committed political allies. If the US, Japan, and Europe coordinate their policies, they will still repres ...More

EJ Insight2023-03-07

Bond strategy: Be patient and accumulate duration on weakness

... cing, the peak policy rate will be the highest since 2000 when the Fed Funds rate topped at 6%. The Fed will have hiked rates by 500bp in a matter of 15 months. At a priced peak rate of 3.7%, the ECB ...More

EJ Insight2023-03-01

4D雷達冒起 Arbe Robotics爆升

... 之處是兩個「期待」,Peak inflation(通脹頂峰)和1月效應的好夢成真反而覺得空虛,夢醒後又是另一場 ...全文


APAC real estate: Opportunities to rise as borrowing costs bite

... l. At the peak of its own regional event, such as SARs in 2002/03, nearly 50% of markets in Asia still reported capital value growth. During global downturns, such as the GFC in 2008/09, the impacts s ...More

EJ Insight2023-02-23


... );過高期望峰值期(Peak of Inflated Expectations);泡沫化低谷期(Trough ...全文


Post Covid bounce masks profound shifts in China's growth

...  rivalry, peak Covid-19 infection levels, and property sector problems will test the resolve of the Chinese leadership. These problems mean the debt-fuelled growth model is irrelevant, rendering histo ...More

EJ Insight2023-02-20

幣安據報曾轉賬4億美元 至趙長鵬關連企業

... 關連企業Merit Peak 。 根據報道,有關轉賬活動是在2021年首季進行。 幣安發言人回應傳媒查詢時,未 ...全文


It’s high time to drop all masks

...  past the peak of the “reopening wave”. The much prophesised and hyperbolised scare concerning a surge in cases to go with the reopening, clearly did not materialise. Whilst COVID-19 has yet to disapp ...More

EJ Insight2023-02-14

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