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北韓在剛過去的周日進行第六次核試,成功在地下坑道試爆氫彈,並稱可裝載在洲際彈道導彈彈頭上,估計威力達去年測試的 ...全文


Bain adds Apple for last-minute US$18 bln Toshiba chip unit bid

A consortium led by Bain Capital has made a revised last-ditch offer for Toshiba Corp’s chip unit worth about US$18 billion, bringing in Apple Inc. to help bolster its bid, Reuters reports, citing sou ...More

EJ Insight2017-08-31

Will chip makers gain hugely from a jump in data usage?

Demand for data is set to increase as Internet of Things and cloud services continue to gain popularity. If so, will memory chips makers benefit from that trend? Troubled Japanese conglomerate Toshiba ...More

EJ Insight2017-07-19


《華爾街日報》引述知情人士報道,根據東芝目前屬意的出售晶片業務方案,南韓半導體商SK海力士(SK Hynix) ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2017年07月04日


擾攘多時的東芝半導體賣盤鬧劇日前終於有初步結果,優先談判權將由日本政府設立的產業革新機構基金率領的日美韓團體取 ...全文


Toshiba picks Japan-led group as preferred bidder for chip unit

Toshiba Corp. said on Wednesday its board has chosen a Japanese government-led consortium as the preferred bidder for the conglomerate's prized flash memory chip business, Reuters reports. The group c ...More

EJ Insight2017-06-21

Toshiba expected to name buyer of chips business June 15

Toshiba Corp. aims to name a winner for its prized semiconductor business next week, Reuters reports, citing people familiar with the matter. Sources told the news agency the choice has narrowed to on ...More

EJ Insight2017-06-08

中美日韓利益糾纏 東芝垂危舉世關注

因美國附屬公司Westinghouse核電廠發展項目一再延誤和嚴重超支而身陷財困的日本東芝集團,本周首次承認可 ...全文


業績未經核數師認可 除牌風險增

東芝昨天趕在限期前公布截至去年12月的業績,但該業績報告並未得到核數師認可,該公司更首次承認可能無法持續經營下 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2017年04月12日

鴻海誓購東芝晶片 日憂技術轉移中國

陷入財困的日本東芝正放售旗下記憶晶片業務,台灣鴻海對此深感興趣。不過,據報日本政府擔心買家與中國關係密切,怕會 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2017年03月10日

Toshiba to report US$6 bln writedown amid nuke cost overruns

Toshiba Corp. will detail a writedown of close to US$6 billion after bruising cost overruns at its US nuclear arm, turning investor attention to the Japanese group's efforts to fix that and other bala ...More

EJ Insight2017-02-13

Toshiba draws bids for chip business

Toshiba Corp.’s memory-chip unit has drawn bidders from South Korea, the US and Taiwan, and some involved in the process see advantages to a deal with Western Digital Corp., the Wall Street Journal re ...More

EJ Insight2017-02-08


《華爾街日報》引述消息人士稱,台灣鴻海集團、南韓SK海力士(SK Hynix)、美國的Western Digi ...全文

今日信報EJ Global簡訊2017年02月08日

Intel eyes US$5.5 bln investment in China memory chip plant

Intel Corp is considering investing up to US$5.5 billion to make semiconductors in China. The US giant is stepping up efforts to improve ties with Beijing as it seeks new revenue streams while demand ...More

EJ Insight2015-10-22

新興撈底 難求優質實惠

在遙遠深海海底的某處,埋葬着MSCI新興市場指數「沉船」,被深不見底的海水覆蓋。跟美股相比,該指數過去5年的表 ...全文

今日信報理財投資THE LEX COLUMN2015年10月12日

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