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美議員傳關注軟銀與中資關係 促審查T-Mobile購Sprint

外電報道,有美國國會議員正聯署一封信件,要求財長努欽領導的外國投資委員會(CFIUS),因應美國國家安全理由, ...全文



路透引述消息人士稱,美國司法部正評估T-Mobile US與Sprint兩大電訊商的合併,可能對小型無線通訊營 ...全文


歐股中段偏軟 觀望美企業績

美國總統特朗普態度軟化,擬協助中興通訊(00763)盡快恢復業務,有助緩和中美貿易爭端,惟市場關注美國四大電訊 ...全文


歐股早段個別走 道期升百點

美國總統特朗普稱協助中興通訊(00763)盡快恢復業務,加拿大總理杜魯多對與美墨訂立新北美自由貿易協定(NAF ...全文


美股業績期近尾聲 貿易議題主導本周後市

美國股市上周在總統特朗普宣布退出伊朗核協議的消息主導下,依然錄得上升。展望本周,隨着藍籌業績期步入尾聲,以及缺 ...全文


T-Mobile, Sprint say US$26b deal to give US 5G lead over China

T-Mobile US Inc. and Sprint Corp. said their US$26 billion merger would create thousands of jobs and help the United States beat China to creating the next generation mobile network, Reuters reports. ...More

EJ Insight2018-04-30

美股後市焦點多 蘋果業績聯儲議息與就業數據具瞄頭

美國股市上周表現反覆微跌。展望本周,藍籌業績仍然未過去,市場將關注重量級企業業績表現。同時,聯儲局的議息會議也 ...全文


T-Mobile 傳落實合併 Sprint估值或逾二千億

路透引述消息人士稱,美國兩大電訊集團T-Mobile US與Sprint正完成最後條款商討,將於3天內簽署合併 ...全文


傳Sprint與T-Mobile合併商談 最快下周結束

外電引述消息人士稱,美國兩大電訊商T-Mobile US與Sprint的合併蹉商進展順利,最快可能在下周完成商 ...全文


US bans its firms from selling to Chinese phone maker ZTE

The US Department of Commerce has banned American companies from selling components to ZTE Corp. for seven years, saying the Chinese telecom equipment maker broke an agreement reached after it was cau ...More

EJ Insight2018-04-17

T-Mobile上季淨利大升 收入遜估計

美國第三大流動通訊集團T-Mobile US公布,截至去年12月底止第四季淨利潤按年升5.9倍至27億美元(2 ...全文


Growth without scale: Deutsche Telekom's T-Mobile headache

The collapse of the attempt by T-Mobile US to merge with Sprint Corp will underline its importance as a driver of growth when its main owner, Deutsche Telekom, reports quarterly results this week, say ...More

EJ Insight2017-11-06

Telekom CEO bats for strong No. 3 player in US wireless market

A strong No. 3 player in the US wireless market would enhance competition, the chief of Deutsche Telekom told a German newspaper, as T-Mobile US Inc. seeks to merge with Sprint Corp, Reuters reports. ...More

EJ Insight2017-10-30

T-Mobile US explores takeover of Sprint: source

US wireless carrier T-Mobile US Inc. is exploring taking over rival Sprint Corp in an all-stock deal, after SoftBank Group Corp. offered to give up its majority ownership of Sprint, Reuters reports, c ...More

EJ Insight2017-09-20

SoftBank eyes stake in Uber or Lyft

SoftBank Group Corp. chief executive Masayoshi Son expressed eagerness to invest in Uber Technologies Inc. or Lyft Inc. to gain access to the US ride-hailing market after similar investments in Asia, ...More

EJ Insight2017-08-08


彭博引述消息報道,美國電訊商Sprint再與對手T-Mobile US就合併進行初步洽談,Sprint與其最大 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global簡訊2017年05月13日

Samsung launches Galaxy S8, aims to recover from Note 7 fiasco

Samsung Electronics Co Ltd. unveiled its Galaxy S8 flagship smartphone as it battles to regain the market leadership it lost to Apple Inc. after the embarrassing withdrawal of the fire-prone Note 7s, ...More

EJ Insight2017-03-30

儲局官員撐加息 日圓軟

美股昨天總統日假期休市,環球市場交投淡靜,聯儲局著名鷹派官員認為,現階段可加息,支持美元兌日圓在113日圓水平 ...全文


Google pushes into mobile payment with US launch of Android Pay

Google is rolling out Android Pay, a one-touch payment app on Android devices, in more than a million locations in the United States. The payment service can be used through Android devices with near- ...More

EJ Insight2015-09-11

Dish, T-Mobile in multibillion-dollar merger talks

Dish Network Corp. is in talks to merge with T-Mobile US Inc. in a deal that would combine the second-largest satellite TV operator in the United States with the fourth-largest wireless carrier, the W ...More

EJ Insight2015-06-04

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