政府表示,已甄選4家儲值支付工具營辦商協助推行消費券計劃。 該4間的儲值支付工具,包括支付寶香港(Alipay ...全文
Among the many impacts brought about by a very unexpected year, 2020 saw unprecedented growth for online merchants across Hong Kong and Asia Pacific. This year, Statista predicts that revenue in the H ...More
EJ Insight2021-03-18
金管局早前建議市民用電子渠道派利是,昨天再推出「電子派利是 過數話咁易」牛年賀歲stickers,鼓勵市民用電 ...全文
香港電訊(06823)進一步提升其數碼化生態圈,旗下持有放債人牌照的HKT Flexi Limited與提供儲 ...全文
Huawei Pay服務正式進入香港,凡Tap & Go「拍住賞」銀聯卡持有人,可率先享用Huawei ...全文
Huawei Pay服務正式進入香港,凡Tap & Go「拍住賞」銀聯卡持有人可率先享用Huawei ...全文
SC Digital Solutions上月底獲金管局批出虛擬銀行牌照,將任該公司主席、渣打香港行政總裁禤惠儀 ...全文
金管局上月正式推出「轉數快」服務,參與的銀行及儲值支付工具(電子錢包)約30個,提供實時跨銀行及電子錢包轉賬服 ...全文
本港虛擬銀行牌照競爭愈趨激烈,除本地銀行、互聯網公司外,電訊公司亦有意分一杯羹。香港電訊(06823)董事總經 ...全文
As competition heats up in Hong Kong's e-payments market, the city's dominant smart-card operator, Octopus Cards Ltd., is seeking to expand into a new business segment: online shopping payments. The c ...More
EJ Insight2018-06-12
2018年香港花卉展覽由今日起至本月25日在銅鑼灣維園舉行;今年花展的主題花是「大麗花」,展出約40萬株各式花 ...全文
With the mobile payment battle heating up in Hong Kong, the taxi market has come under renewed focus with almost all key players seeking to tap into the largely unoccupied segment. The e-payment syst ...More
EJ Insight2018-03-06
今天便是情人節,不少人均會贈送禮物給另一半表達心意。 MasterCard調查顯示,66%港人計劃送禮物予另一 ...全文