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... 沃爾瑪、周三百貨集團Target的業績數字。該等零售巨擘的季績,將反映美國消費者開支趨勢是否仍然保持健康。 第 ...全文


Innovative solutions for fighting climate change

...  a stated target of increasing forest coverage to 24.1% by 2025, and forest stock volume up to 19 billion cubic meters. As for Hong Kong, the government announced the Hong Kong’s Climate Action Plan 2 ...More

EJ Insight2023-08-10

How should Japan respond to inflation?

... ve the 2% target for more than a year. The “core-core” inflation rate – which tracks the prices consumers pay for a basket of goods, excluding fresh food and energy – was even higher, at 4.2%. This sh ...More

EJ Insight2023-07-28

What does China’s food security push mean for soybean prices?

...  Affairs’ target of boosting the country’s soybean output by 40% by the end of 2025. Initiatives to increase production range from encouraging more agricultural land to be set aside for soybean farmin ...More

EJ Insight2023-07-26


... 用goal,內文卻用target,中文版均用目標)只有一個,便是「在2025年把15歲及以上人口的吸煙率降至7 ...全文


'Great Reset' presents great REITs opportunity

... rs should target sectors and markets that offer a resilient income profile driven by long-term structural trends. Notable trends include basic needs, such as affordable and senior living, as well as l ...More

EJ Insight2023-07-21

The next evolution in green finance

... reduction targets. In 2020, China announced its “dual carbon” target to reach peak CO2 emissions before 2030 and achieve carbon neutrality before 2060. As the world’s largest energy consumer and carbo ...More

EJ Insight2023-07-21

Is the net-zero transition endangering the Asian century?

... he annual target of $9.2 trillion in green investments required to achieve net-zero emissions by 2050. Amid conflicting domestic and global priorities, varying levels of climate-risk awareness, and a ...More

EJ Insight2023-07-19

Japanese yen likely to see further upside from current level

... rol (YCC) target band of +50 to -50bps in recent months. This allowed the BoJ to scale back its JGB purchases from the highs seen at the beginning of the year. However, Japanese macro-level data stand ...More

EJ Insight2023-07-18

Finding value after the Great Reset

... rs should target sectors and markets that offer a resilient income profile driven by long-term structural trends – notably basic needs such as affordable and senior living, and logistics and data cent ...More

EJ Insight2023-07-06

A mild global contraction is coming

...  their 2% targets without triggering a recession. There is also the possibility of a softish landing. Here the inflation target is achieved, but through a relatively mild (short and shallow) recession ...More

EJ Insight2023-06-28

The rise of the curated meeting

... y monthly target for clocking in - won’t cut it in the new world of work. Business leaders need to be aware that people’s mindsets have altered irrevocably. Microsoft’s 2022 Work Trends Index referred ...More

EJ Insight2023-06-27

What it will take to transform development finance

... lose to a target of tripling lending for climate resilience, development banks will need more paid-in capital. That is why the updated Bridgetown Initiative includes a call to raise $100 billion more ...More

EJ Insight2023-06-26

MPF半年賺4.56% 三方向論超長線投資

... 戶中的目標日期基金(target-date fund)大幅跑輸標普500指數,急問博主應否換入追蹤標指的ETF ...全文


Financing innovations: Throwing good money after good

... tments in targeted instruction in India provided the necessary proof of concept that facilitated the Zambian government’s almost-nationwide expansion of the model, with assistance from the US governme ...More

EJ Insight2023-06-23


... nd engage target customers) consumer brand offering eas ...全文


Global equities outlook

...  year-end target for Chinese equities, but believe they still have room to catch up with fundamentals. Political risk has been a headwind in recent months and continues to weigh heavily on the market. ...More

EJ Insight2023-06-20

美股專家:經濟衰退憂慮降 升勢擴至落後股

... 類股份,例如星巴克及Target,因為美國經濟下半年回穩,該等股份將受惠。 不過,也有分析覺得市場情緒過於樂觀 ...全文


Financial inclusion efforts in Mexico and the opportunity set

... s seeking targeted exposure to a broad swath of companies in Mexico, including the notable fintech and retailing segments, can consider single-country exchange-traded funds (ETFs) for flexible and low ...More

EJ Insight2023-06-09

The climate loss and damage fund is coming

... c funding target? Who will receive financial assistance? Which entities will have final say over the fund? As we near the halfway mark between COP27 and COP28 in Dubai, the international community mus ...More

EJ Insight2023-05-29

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