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土耳其總統埃爾多安(Recep Tayyip Erdogan)周日表示,土耳其已經無力處理來自敍利亞的新一波難 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2019年12月24日

NATO suggests summit was a success despite acrimony

NATO leaders set aside public insults ranging from "delinquent" to "brain dead" and "two-faced" on Wednesday, declaring at a 70th anniversary summit they would stand together against a common threat f ...More

EJ Insight2019-12-05

通烏門彈劾公開聆訊 美大使通話曝光

針對美國總統特朗普的「通烏」彈劾調查公開聆訊於周三登場。美國駐烏克蘭臨時代辦泰勒(William Taylor ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2019年11月15日

Public hearings begin in Trump impeachment inquiry

The top US diplomat in Ukraine, testifying on Wednesday in the first televised hearing of the impeachment inquiry against President Donald Trump, linked the president more directly to a pressure campa ...More

EJ Insight2019-11-14

美土總統釋善意 下周三華府會面

美國政府周三採取行動改善與土耳其的關係,總統特朗普發帖文稱,曾經與土耳其總統埃爾多安(Recep Tayyip ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2019年11月08日


美國國會眾議院周二以壓倒性多數的表決結果,通過兩項針對土耳其的議案,包括正式確認當年鄂圖曼帝國對亞美尼亞人的大 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2019年10月31日

普京默克爾通電話 討論敍利亞局勢

俄羅斯總統普京與德國總理默克爾通電話,就敍利亞局勢進行了討論。 新華社引述克里姆林宮的聲明指出,普京向默克爾介 ...全文


Trump hails death of Islamic State leader after US raid in Syria

Fugitive Islamic State leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi died “whimpering and crying” in a raid by US special forces in northwest Syria, President Donald Trump has announced. Baghdadi, who had led the jihad ...More

EJ Insight2019-10-28


法新社引述土耳其總統埃爾多安(Recep Tayyip Erdogan)表示,如果敍利亞庫爾德武裝未能在土耳其 ...全文


特朗普撤銷制裁土耳其 稱停火屬「永久」

美國總統特朗普周三宣布撤銷針對土耳其的制裁行動,因為土耳其在涉及入侵敍利亞北部庫爾德據點問題上,所採取的臨時停 ...全文


Turkey and the Kurds: What goes around comes around

Turkey, like much of the Middle East, is discovering that what goes around comes around. Not only because President Recep Tayyip Erdogan appears to have miscalculated the fallout of what may prove to ...More

EJ Insight2019-10-18


美國副總統彭斯(Mike Pence)與土耳其總統埃爾多安(Recep Tayyip Erdogan)達成協議 ...全文


Turkey pushes offensive in Syria despite US sanctions

Turkey pressed ahead with its offensive in northern Syria despite US sanctions and growing calls for it to stop, while Syria’s Russia-backed army moved on the key city of Manbij that was abandoned by ...More

EJ Insight2019-10-16

Trump slaps new sanctions on Turkey, demands stop to incursion

US President Donald Trump demanded Turkey stop its military incursion in Syria and imposed new sanctions on the NATO ally as Trump scrambled to limit the damage from his much-criticized decision to cl ...More

EJ Insight2019-10-15

Hundreds reported dead in Turkish attack on Syrian Kurds

Turkey pounded Kurdish militia in northeast Syria for a second day on Thursday, forcing tens of thousands of people to flee and killing at least dozens of people in a cross-border assault, Reuters rep ...More

EJ Insight2019-10-11

土耳其向敍利亞軍事行動 美撤兵50人

土耳其總統埃爾多安(Recep Tayyip Erdogan)在Twitter表示,土耳其軍隊開始跨境行動進入 ...全文


稱完成攻打北部準備 特朗普背叛盟友捱轟

美國白宮周日證實,派駐敍利亞北部的美軍將會撤走,不會介入土耳其進軍當地、打擊被他們列為恐怖分子的庫爾德武裝部隊 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2019年10月09日


土耳其即將在敍利亞東北部對庫爾德武裝分子採取軍事行動,美國表明不會參與。 美國總統特朗普與土耳其總統埃爾多安( ...全文



哥倫比亞廣播公司(CBS)製作的《60分鐘時事雜誌》周日播出沙地阿拉伯王儲穆罕默德(Mohammed Bin ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2019年10月01日


自7月起被伊朗扣押的英國油輪Stena Impero周五早上已經離開伊朗,並正駛入公海。船主確認油輪和所屬船員 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2019年09月28日

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