
共 795 個結果
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All pain and no gain from higher interest rates

... with mark-ups – the amount by which prices exceed costs. While mark-ups have risen slowly with the increased monopolization of the US economy, they have soared since the onset of the COVID-19 crisis. ...More

EJ Insight2022-12-12

Be swift and precise to attract businesses and investments

... sible for upstream research. Meanwhile, among approximately 4000 startups in Hong Kong, there exist “unicorns” which can become anchor institutions yet they are scarce and take time to mature. Hong Ko ...More

EJ Insight2022-12-02

美國政府大花筒 儲局無力抗通脹

... dEx)、聯合包裹(UPS)等速遞巨擘則陷入苦戰,仍未準備好應對方法。 「移位」是指把資源轉移到世界各地。菲茨 ...全文

今日信報理財投資前沿思考John Mauldin2022年12月02日


... 及供應鏈來創造商機。UPS聯合包裹運送服務公司北亞區總裁 Daryl Tay認為,RCEP將會為亞洲帶來龐大機 ...全文


Maximising the ROI in Kubernetes

... ile start-ups are looking at their cloud-based choices and likely to opt for Kubernetes to keep up with comparable businesses whose technology is leading-edge. With applications increasingly moving to ...More

EJ Insight2022-11-23

The death of compromise politics

... ’s higher-ups (where elections are not held), or, establish one’s presence and tenacity in the long game (cutting across both electoral and non-electoral regimes). The latter, on the other hand, is th ...More

EJ Insight2022-11-16

Who broke American democracy?

... heir mark-ups over costs, thereby redistributing income from labor to capital. Worse, this trend has been encouraged by a long-term weakening of antitrust enforcement, even though there is no popular ...More

EJ Insight2022-10-28

Vienna waits for you

...  and hold-ups next to the traffic lights, the birds who would perch themselves atop the balcony and squawk until dawn, the missed flights and connections that allowed me to (in)voluntarily strand myse ...More

EJ Insight2022-10-28

【國際早班車】Alphabet季績遜預期 市後股價挫逾6%

... 7%。■ 聯合包裹(UPS)第三季每股經調整盈利為2.99美元,優於預期;收入按年升4.2%遜預期。■ Vis ...全文


美滙債息齊落 道指收市再漲337點

... 2.4%;聯合包裹(UPS)看好能達全年財務目標,股價抽高4.3%後倒跌0.33%。Nike上揚4.22%,為 ...全文


UPS第三季盈利勝預期 收入遜估計

美國最大速遞集團聯合包裹(UPS)公布,截至9月底止第三季,每股經調整盈利為2.99美(美元‧下同),優於市場 ...全文


美滙債息齊落 道指收市再漲337點

... 2.4%;聯合包裹(UPS)看好能達全年財務目標,股價抽高4.3%後輕微倒跌;美國運通扯高3.72%。 美國上 ...全文


TikTok橫空出世 谷歌變陣還擊

... 店、展覽會及pop-ups,這方面與平台擁有大量年輕創作人大有關聯,而且觀眾喜歡某個內容供應者,想追蹤亦非常方 ...全文


Nansha in the GBA ups incentives to lure foreign investors

As the business environment in China is perceived to be worsening amid the strict zero-Covid policy and deteriorating relations with the West, Nansha in the Greater Bay Area is rolling out incentives ...More

EJ Insight2022-09-30

Microsoft Envision論壇 探討四大創新趨勢 展示最新雲端方案

... 論壇首設Start-ups Pitching活動。謝佳文介紹,在推動香港創新科技方面,初創一直擔當重要角色,M ...全文


Will the dollar’s surge end in whiplash?

... s big run-ups in the dollar’s value, including in the mid-1980s and the early 2000s, were eventually followed by sharp declines. But, again, exchange rates are notoriously difficult to predict, even o ...More

EJ Insight2022-09-02


美國飛機製造商波音表示,速遞業巨擘聯合包裹(UPS)額外訂購8架767型貨機。 雙方沒有公布財務細節。據波音稱 ...全文


Our citizens deserve better than a one-way ticket

... vision of upskilling and retraining that reflect the times and demands as such that we live in, or, indeed, amelioration to the cramped and atrocious conditions under which many live – these are all n ...More

EJ Insight2022-08-19


... 聯邦快遞、聯合包裹(UPS)的航班仍在台灣起降,但避開受軍演影響的區域。 阿聯酋航空的網站顯示,旗下航班仍計劃 ...全文



... 上市。■ 聯合包裹(UPS)第二季每股經調整盈利3.29元,收入升5.7%,均優於預期。■ 通用電氣(GE)第 ...全文


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