... uding for Instagram and Messenger, to settle lawsuits by civil rights groups that it let employers, landlords and lenders discriminate by age, gender and zip code when placing job, housing and credit ...More
EJ Insight2019-11-01
... essenger, Instagram and WhatsApp, both slightly higher than the prior quarter. Facebook itself had 1.62 billion daily users, versus estimates of 1.61 billion. After experiencing stagnant user growth i ...More
EJ Insight2019-11-01
... 足,例如旗下社交平台Instagram推出「Stories」限時動態故事功能,用戶可把過去24小時上載的照片與 ...全文
今日信報理財投資THE LEX COLUMN2019年11月01日
... ed on his Instagram from the summit in Tibet, the world’s 14th highest mountain. Agency official Sherpa said all summiteers were on their way to base camp and expected to return to Kathmandu this week ...More
EJ Insight2019-10-29
... 周一較早時候從fb和Instagram刪除了4個屬於不同網絡的賬戶、專頁和群組,其中3個來自伊朗,一個來自俄羅 ...全文
... voters on Instagram, Reuters reports. The social media giant said it will increase transparency through measures such as showing more information about the confirmed owner of a Facebook page and more ...More
EJ Insight2019-10-22
... 除了旅行,就是喜歡上Instagram看與拖拉機有關的賬號。盧尼的父母學歷只達小學程度,他的母親堅信知識是改善 ...全文
原定下周赴湖南長沙出戰亞洲賽的香港花式足球員黎俊賢,日前於個人Instagram上載在黑鞋寫上FREE HK的 ...全文
... 個群組,還有121個Instagram賬號,內容大多涉及阿聯酋在也門的活動、伊朗核協議,以及對卡塔爾、土耳其和 ...全文
Facebook has announced the launch of a separate camera-first messaging app for its photo-sharing platform Instagram, stepping up the firm's social media war with smaller rival Snapchat. The app, calle ...More
EJ Insight2019-10-04
... 慢慢磨合。記者看過他Instagram的結婚相,很多都在香港取景拍攝,看得出香港對他們一家意義不凡。 活潑的姨 ...全文
... 過Facebook及Instagram等社交平台,以私訊功能向Freekick報名,再湊成兩隊參加足球友誼賽。 ...全文
今日信報財經新聞StartupBeat 創科鬥室2019年10月01日
... b今次的行動,與旗下Instagram做法一樣,Instagram於兩個月前開始在7個國家停止顯示「讚好」次數 ...全文
... tsApp and Instagram from other app stores. But it would only be possible to access YouTube, Google’s mobile video app, via a web browser, said Yu. The phones will run on an "open-source", or generic, ...More
EJ Insight2019-09-20