
共 3000 個結果
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The death of Hong Kong?

... more than one hundred million people that is famed for being the home of Confucian culture. I was appointed as dean not because of a commitment to China’s official Marxist ideology but rather because ...More

EJ Insight2023-02-23

The death of Hong Kong?

... more than one hundred million people that is famed for ...全文

今日信報時事評論EJ Insight貝淡寧2023年02月23日

He is not a top talent Hong Kong wants

... ntencing. One possible explanation is the officials responsible for Top Talents Pass Scheme, introduced last year in Hong Kong’s latest aspiration to become the science and innovation centre, did not ...More

EJ Insight2023-02-22

China tries to square the circle

... Iranian drones have killed hundreds of Ukrainian soldiers and civilians and destroyed Ukrainian buildings. Raisi is, after Putin, one of the world leaders most hated in Europe. In an editorial on Febr ...More

EJ Insight2023-02-22

信置少賺42% 售樓收入腰斬
中期息維持15仙 今年推6個新盤

... 澳凱柏峰III、中環ONE CENTRAL PLACE、元朗柏瓏III,以及黃竹坑港島南岸第4A及4B期已取得 ...全文


Food waste reduction alleviates landfill dilemma

...  must be done first, causing inconvenience for the residents. For example, vegetables, fruits, soup residues, tea and coffee grounds are accepted but not food packaging bags, super-hard large bones, f ...More

EJ Insight2023-02-21

一啖砂糖一啖屎 林敏驄

... ,上次睇過Part One會識貨。相比我的歌,更舊啦,你老豆都未出世,不應叫無厘頭,解釋唔到才話無厘頭。」他其 ...全文


Financing global survival

... eaving no one behind; it also impedes the poverty reduction that comes from inclusive economic growth, undermines the social contract in rich and poor countries alike, and threatens global security. N ...More

EJ Insight2023-02-20

2023: Trends to watch in science, technology and sustainability

... from now, one in four new cars sold is expected to be fully electric. That, in turn, will fuel demand for batteries and semi-conductors. Automation is the other key tech shift in the car industry. Whi ...More

EJ Insight2023-02-20

利率上限降至48厘 觸發淘汰整合

... 務(Finance One),官網稱後者於2010年底成立,並受本港持牌放債人條例規管,母公司為總部坐落東京、 ...全文


易貸網淡出 日本網絡通接手
作價近億 轉讓5000未還款債仔

... 務(Finance One),據悉買家斥資約1億元,購入易貸網日本財務約5000個未償還貸款客戶組合。 易貸 ...全文


墨爾本Forest Hill配套佳 華人心水
中港資金重返澳洲樓市 吸引力勝美加

... ill西北面的Mahoneys Road與Canterbury Road一帶,有「食街」之稱,在這裏可以找到中 ...全文


Maribor Ballet opens Hong Kong Arts Festival

... tedly. At one point, each of the men drags his female partner on the stage like a broom, which is inhuman though. Towards the end, another rain of water falls and lasts for over five minutes. At the e ...More

EJ Insight2023-02-17

How to prevent humanitarian crises

... submerged one-third of the country, claimed more than 1,730 lives, affected 33 million people, and caused economic losses estimated at $16.3 billion. With climate change causing humanitarian crises al ...More

EJ Insight2023-02-17

Data protection in the cloud: 3 best practices

...  grows exponentially, moving to the cloud based on an elaborated strategy offers significant benefits like scalability, flexibility and cost-effective storage. But can this go on forever? Gartner expe ...More

EJ Insight2023-02-17

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