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4年半最大型科企IPO 「獨角獸」掀上市熱

... 求。 Lyft的對手Uber準備4月開始IPO,並在該月底掛牌,據報尋求1200億美元市值。圖片分享平台Pin ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2019年03月30日

Lyft valued at US$24.3 billion in first ride-hailing IPO

... ger rival Uber Technologies Inc, which Reuters has reported will kick off in April. Uber has been told by its investment bankers that it could be valued at as much as US$120 billion. The success of Ly ...More

EJ Insight2019-03-29

Lyft raises IPO share price range amid strong demand

...  likes of Uber Technologies and Pinterest, which are also planning to go public in 2019 but like Lyft have yet to turn a profi, Reuters noted. Lyft’s IPO is set to price on Thursday and the shares are ...More

EJ Insight2019-03-28

Uber buys Mideast rival Careem in US$3.1 billion deal

Global ride-hailing firm Uber Technologies will spend US$3.1 billion to acquire Middle East rival Careem, buying dominance in a competitive region ahead of a hotly anticipated initial public offering, ...More

EJ Insight2019-03-27

Uber落實吞Careem 無礙上市進程

美國召車公司Uber昨天宣布出資31億美元,收購中東同業Careem,成為中東最大的科技併購交易之一,也是Ub ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2019年03月27日


美國召車程式公司Uber正式宣布,以31億美元(約241.8億港元)收購杜拜同業Careem。 Uber將向C ...全文


Uber拓中東市場 擬242億購Careem

彭博等外電引述消息人士報道,美國的召車程式公司Uber快將宣布以31億美元(約242億港元)收購杜拜的同業Ca ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2019年03月26日

Uber set to buy rival Careem for US$3 billion: report

Uber Technologies is set to offer over US$3 billion to buy Dubai-based rival Careem Networks FZ, Reuters reports, citing two sources familiar with the deal. Uber’s offer could be unveiled during the e ...More

EJ Insight2019-03-25

Image sharing website Pinterest files for IPO

...  Lyft and Uber are set to pursue much-anticipated listings. Investors are anticipating 2019 may be one of the most active years ever for tech IPOs. Pinterest, which plans to list under the symbol “PIN ...More

EJ Insight2019-03-25

Uber傳本周購Careem 涉資或達241億

外電引述消息稱,召車軟件商Uber最快於本周達成收購中東同業Careem的交易,代價為31億美元(241.8億 ...全文


印度或解禁Ola 阻Uber擴張

為了阻止Uber得到更多市場份額,印度南部的卡納塔克邦(Karnataka)的政府周六表示,願意與本土召車程式 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global簡訊2019年03月25日


... 。 二、新科技催生的Uberization「去中介化」現象,令各行各業的剩餘勞動力都被輕易共享,各行各業的現有 ...全文


市值或逾120億美元 獨角獸爆上市潮

... 得如火如荼的召車平台Uber還要早。連同正在進行路演的另一召車平台Lyft,反映美股大市及新股表現不俗,吸引了 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2019年03月23日


路透社引述消息人士指出,今年計劃IPO的Uber與Pinterest,已選擇紐約證券交易所作為上市地點。 報道 ...全文



... 超出這個目標。 有利Uber下月抬高IPO價 市場反應熱烈,顯示投資者不介意Lyft長遠盈利能力和自動駕駛汽車 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2019年03月21日

Lyft IPO oversubscribed on road show's second day: report

... ger rival Uber Technologies, which is expected to kick off its IPO in April. Uber has been valued by investment bankers at as much as US$120 billion. Lyft said on Monday that it aims to raise up to US ...More

EJ Insight2019-03-20


... 中,GrubHub、UberEats以及DoorDash三家市場份額最高,形成了三國的局面。 GrubHub每 ...全文


已維修車款照樣出事 或涉虛假行為

... 令它可以抗衡競爭對手Uber,爭奪更多司機和乘客。 現代在聲明中指出,現代和起亞汽車可藉今次投資向Ola供應旗 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2019年03月20日

Lyft謀司機酬勞慳番 IPO計劃過橋抽板

... 司大為尷尬的糗事,跟Uber喜歡「搞搞震」的創辦人卡拉尼克(Travis Kalanick)有天壤之別。 未賺 ...全文

今日信報理財投資THE LEX COLUMN2019年03月20日

Internet technologies yet to reach full potential

... ll for an Uber if you want to go somewhere far. Don’t worry if you don’t have cash. Online payment takes care of that. All these are possible because of cloud technology. Everything is uploaded to the ...More

EJ Insight2019-03-19

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