
共 3000 個結果
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Heat therapy

I am reliably informed that the prisoners housed on the top floors of Stanley Prison are being held in appalling conditions. The temperature is 36º, the cells are small and have no internal cooling de ...More

EJ Insight2023-06-07

The mental health crisis must be tackled with pragmatism

...  barriers to mobility for ethnic and sexual minorities. This is also a city with some of the most expensive rents and cutthroat work environments in the world. As beautiful as our home may be, the rea ...More

EJ Insight2023-06-07

律政司申禁制令 限《願榮光歸香港》傳播表演

... 》或 「Glory to Hong Kong」,現正等候法庭指示,聆訊日期待定。 當局表示,有關歌曲自2019 ...全文


【異動股】創科曾插7%創近三年低 再遭沽空機構狙擊

... ut an end to it)」,相信將使創科實業的營業收入減少大約三分之一,該機構將再次做空創科的股票。 ...全文


Cutting the Gordian EM restructuring knot

In recent years, investors have become accustomed to a significant impasse facing emerging market sovereign debt restructurings. China’s role as a major creditor owes to its Belt-and-Road initiative ( ...More

EJ Insight2023-06-06

How fares Hong Kong 3 years after China’s crackdown?

Three years after China imposed a wide-ranging national security law on Hong Kong, the city looks like it has returned to normality, with its crammed malls and restaurants. The riots of 2019 are unlik ...More

EJ Insight2023-06-06

Globalization’s warring narratives

Globalization brings the world together through the movement of people, things, ideas, money, and much else. But talk of globalization has become increasingly divisive, with competing assessments of t ...More

EJ Insight2023-06-06


...  of sound to a maximum of sense)。」 美國金句作家(aphorists)Ja ...全文



... 軍澳日出康城SEA TO SKY獲年度香港高層住宅建築優異獎;淺水灣道90號(90 REPULSE BAY R ...全文


Will to Power

三十年代,全球經濟大蕭條,大哲學家尼采的「力量意志」(Will to Power)說,大行其道,在德國被納粹利 ...全文



... 蝦電話 「DALI TO DELHI」是店家招牌菜,概念來自西班牙藝術大師Dali的抽象主義藝術《龍蝦電話》, ...全文

今日信報副刊文化食家講場Walter Kei2023年06月06日


... 發展優異奬;Sea To Sky榮獲年度香港高層住宅建築優異獎;90 Repulse Bay Road獲頒年度 ...全文


Hong Kong Ballet’s glittering La Bayadere premiere

...  It is a story of intrigue, jealousy and divine retribution. The High Brahmin professes his love for Nikiya, the most beautiful of the temple dancers who rejects him as she is in love with the noble w ...More

EJ Insight2023-06-05

Thousands of Hong Kong people in Taiwan fail to get residency

Thousands of Hongkongers in Taiwan are trapped between their desire to settle and the government’s increasing suspicion of anyone who arrives from the city. Between 2019 and 2022, nearly 40,000 Hong K ...More

EJ Insight2023-06-05


... lows them to…go through the next farcical negotiation a ...全文



... enquiry into the origin of our ideas of the sublime and ...全文


港AI應用落後 專家促政商追趕
受制市場規模小 恐損競爭力

... 公司仍覺得nice to have(最好有,沒有都可以),距離就會愈拉愈遠。」未來人們需學習「人機協作」,與A ...全文


美股升勢稍緩 市寬仍偏窄

... 市銷率(price-to-sales ratio,P/S)。的而且確,輝達的市銷率達38倍,遠高於行業平均的7 ...全文



...  be bound to acknowledge and adore the invisible hand, ...全文


搖滾女王 走出家暴 皈依佛教

... 重要,令我和Capitol及EMI簽約。」Tina說。她的事業開始大爆發。 Terry Britten和Gra ...全文


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