... regarding Uber Technologies Inc’s board seats. As part of an US$8 billion investment SoftBank closed in January 2018, which gave it a 16 percent stake in Uber and made it the largest shareholder, Soft ...More
EJ Insight2019-04-12
全球最大召車軟件商Uber正式展開招股上市安排,表示已向美國證券交易委員會(SEC)提交上市申請。招股書中附有 ...全文
Uber Technologies Inc has 91 million users, but growth is slowing and it may never make a profit, the ride-hailing company said in its initial public offering filing, Reuters reports. The document gav ...More
EJ Insight2019-04-12
... 期油挫1.3%。■ Uber向美國證交會提交上市申請。■ 日本松下研究進一步投資與特斯拉合資超級工廠的電池生產 ...全文
... 而生。Lyft死對頭Uber月內接力,市值估計達千億美元,豈非成為「百角獸」? 創傷揮之不去 創投界名宿Mar ...全文
Shares of recently listed Lyft Inc fell to a fresh low and closed down almost 11 percent on Wednesday on news that rival Uber Technologies Inc was close to filing its own initial public offering, Reut ...More
EJ Insight2019-04-11
... ft上市後股價不濟,Uber的IPO受影響,估值最多1000億美元,低於早前預計。■ 泛歐股指Stoxx 60 ...全文
《華爾街日報》報道,召車軟件公司Lyft上市後股價表現不濟,正在推進IPO工作的Uber也受到影響,所尋求的企 ...全文
全美現時最大「獨角獸」、召車應用巨頭Uber即將上市。外電引述消息報道,該公司計劃集資約100億美元(約780 ...全文
... ,全球最大網約車平台Uber據報會在今日呈交上市申請,本月進行路演,下月掛牌,集資額約100億美元。論集資金額 ...全文
Uber Technologies Inc has decided it will seek to sell around US$10 billion worth of stock in its initial public offering, Reuters reports, citing people familiar with the matter. An IPO of this size ...More
EJ Insight2019-04-10
路透引述知情人士透露,Uber將通過IPO發行約100億美元(約780億港元)股票,周四將正式提交申請。 Ub ...全文
Uber Technologies Inc believes it will take a long time for self-driving cars to be used at scale but the technology will save lives, the chief scientist at its self-driving car unit said. Raquel Urta ...More
EJ Insight2019-04-09
... f US peer Uber Technologies Inc in March last year. Singapore-headquartered Grab is expanding aggressively in Indonesia, home of rival Go-Jek. Both are raising billions of dollars to bring ride-hailin ...More
EJ Insight2019-04-08
... 赴美上市,估值更高的Uber料亦落戶美國,連同圖片設計分享網站Pinterest等科技公司也赴美上市,相信納斯 ...全文
... 美元。當召車軟件巨頭Uber上市如箭在弦,另一巨擘又再次蠢蠢欲動,就是全球最大石油生產商沙地阿美(Saudi ...全文
今日信報理財投資THE LEX COLUMN2019年04月03日