... 銷、佔22.95%的中國燃氣(00384),以及佔40%的中石油(00857)北京管道的輸氣業務,與昆侖能源( ...全文
... 格,燃氣股全線重挫,中國燃氣(00384)挫10%、新奧能源(02688)及北控(00392)分別下降11%及 ...全文
... 一,至38.65元;中國燃氣(00384)暴跌一成,收報11.86元;華潤燃氣(01193)急跌5.4%,報2 ...全文
浙江省政府日前突然宣布下調省內天然氣零售價格,拖累中國燃氣(00384)、新奧能源(02688)等燃氣股股價大 ...全文
... 價25元。 花旗引述中國燃氣(00384)及新奧能源(02688)認為影響有限,後者指浙江佔其燃氣銷售8%至1 ...全文
... 8)急跌11.2%,中國燃氣(00384)挫11.7%,華潤燃氣(01193)及港華燃氣(01083)分別下滑 ...全文
China Gas Holdings Ltd. (00384.HK) expects a fall in the selling prices of natural gas for non-residential use after the National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC) linked its pricing mechanism ...More
EJ Insight2015-03-04
Piped gas volume at China Gas Holdings (00384.HK) is expected to reach 30 billion cubic meters by 2020, compared with 7 billion cubic meters in the financial year ended March 31, 2013, president Liu M ...More
EJ Insight2014-02-24
China Gas Holdings Ltd. (00384.HK) is looking at emerging as a heat supplier in 2016, Hong Kong Economic Times reported Monday, citing the company’s chief financial officer Eric Leung. The move may pu ...More
EJ Insight2013-10-21