
共 1775 個結果
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Why Ten Years is perfect timing no thanks to China

...  only too happy to oblige. Ten Years is banned in China, so you'd be hard-pressed to find anything remotely related to it in the Chinese press. Not content with the news blackout, Beijing's censors tr ...More

EJ Insight2016-04-05

Bring some cheer to unhappy Hongkongers

... ep people happy and entertained. If you couldn't keep them thrilled or entertained, at least make sure they are contented. If everyone’s unhappy, how can we have a harmonious society? If the governmen ...More

EJ Insight2016-04-05


... ur people happy and entertained。就算未能夠keep them thrilled ...全文


Burglars hit luxury residential estate in Happy Valley

Burglars broke into two apartments at a luxury residential estate in Happy Valley on Wednesday, carting away cash and valuables, Headline Daily reports. A 61-year-old resident, surnamed Cheung, told p ...More

EJ Insight2016-04-01

Man lodges complaint as 6-year-old uses car as playground slide

A six-year-old boy has turned a car in his neighborhood into a personal playground, prompting a not-too-happy reaction from the vehicle owner. The victim of the unwanted attention on the car was a res ...More

EJ Insight2016-04-01


踏入千禧年後,亞視的荒唐鬧劇層出不窮,由2004年台慶時意大利AC米蘭球星岩布仙尼高唱「Happy birth ...全文


How much should we pay our 'White House' spokesman?

... an now be happy as he is, in fact, making more than anyone in the White House, including President Barack Obama. In case you don't know, the US president gets an annual salary of US$400,000 (HK$3.12 m ...More

EJ Insight2016-03-31

Look at the bright side of the Tai Po media drama

... ers and unhappy and unpaid staff. As the station's free-to-air TV license will expire on April 1, ATV may not turn off the lights completely in its Tai Po headquarters. Apparently the station is seeki ...More

EJ Insight2016-03-30


... 「財息兼收」,當然很happy,但作為市民大眾,則每日幾乎都罵個不停。更有趣的是,股東有時可以是顧客,顧客也可 ...全文


What can China learn from Dyson's success?

... irms were happy enough to focus on the cheap stuff and leave the most lucrative high end market to foreign makers. "They are useless," is the common refrain of Chinese consumers when commenting on dom ...More

EJ Insight2016-03-29

Why China acquiesced to German leader's human rights lecture

... e neither happy nor liberated". He didn’t need to spell out the parallels with China and must have hit home when explaining that in the old East Germany "the entire system lacked legitimacy. Free, equ ...More

EJ Insight2016-03-29

Big Data threat: Do you want to be tracked all day long?

... rs really happy being tracked and analyzed all the time? For me, I certainly have no interest to trade my privacy for convenience and promotional gimmicks whose sole purpose is to entice me to spend m ...More

EJ Insight2016-03-25


... 躁,牛定熊很快便知。Happy Easter! ...全文


Why is Hong Kong an unhappy city? What can be done to change it?

... orea less happy than in Uzbekistan (with a per capita gross domestic product of US$5,600) or crime-ridden El Salvador (which newspapers call the “murder capital of the world”)? Let’s start by assuming ...More

EJ Insight2016-03-24

Young Hongkonger builds aid organization for migrants

... emples in Happy Valley, and the Mosque in Kowloon, eventually crossing the Star Ferry as a symbol of their journey to Hong Kong from their old countries. Following on the walkathon, a squash tournamen ...More

EJ Insight2016-03-23

Hong Kong 2047: Two scenarios

... ace for a happy ending may also exist. But such process may mean a timeframe well beyond 2047. Now, would you bet on any of the two scenarios? – Contact us at [email protected] RC  Read more: Forget un ...More

EJ Insight2016-03-23


... 無年齡限制,可獲得「Happy Birthday 全日通」車票,於換票後30日內任何一天無限次乘搭港鐵,但機場 ...全文


Here's why an independent HK can actually help Beijing

... ace for a happy ending. It is especially so in the context of Hong Kong-China relations. Beijing cadres appear to have toned down their rhetoric recently when commenting on an upsurge in Hong Kong "se ...More

EJ Insight2016-03-22

Restaurant owner finds new home to help needy neighbors

... ng is now happy because worries about the future have vanished through the kindness of a friend. He pledged to continue with his philanthropic work as long as he is able to do so. -- Contact us at eng ...More

EJ Insight2016-03-22

孩童天地 大遊戲家

... 其中一角擺上鮮黃色的Happy Bird,旁邊的牆櫃則用來收藏玩具與電視,劃出一個充滿童趣的遊戲區,促進親子互 ...全文


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