迦密中學是學界機械人賽的勁旅,今年2月在「香港FLL創意機械人大賽」獲總冠軍,是該校2006年至今第十二個全場 ...全文
In Washington, DC, a bipartisan consensus about China has emerged: the United States is facing a trade-manipulating, authoritarian intellectual-property thief that represents a strategic threat to the ...More
EJ Insight2019-03-27
近年本港及內地流行透過餐飲平台「叫外賣」,行業發展快速,幾年發展已造就幾百億元年銷的企業,單單內地市場規模便以 ...全文
MTR’s Tsuen Wan Line is back in normal operation after its service between Central and Admiralty stations was suspended on Monday and Tuesday due to a train collision and derailment during a trial run ...More
EJ Insight2019-03-20
可口可樂展望2019年度,假設扣除滙率影響,收入增長12%至13%,包括8%至9%來自收購、出售等,自然收入上 ...全文
可口可樂可算是令人又愛又恨,喜好者除了為啖氣外,還將飲汽水變為習慣。相反,隨着消費者對健康愈來愈關注,汽水難免 ...全文