
共 3000 個結果
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中菜館唐述成名作 糅合異域風情

... ce,譬如我做餐廳屬one off,但酒店大好多,由入去reception、lift lobby、入lift、 ...全文



... with the money we've got) 在破曉之時讓其奔天 (Set them free at t ...全文


外籍工程師8000元租One Innovale開放戶

粉嶺One Innovale 1期A座中層09室,實用面積209方呎,開放式間隔,叫租約1萬元,議價後以800 ...全文


One Midtown高層戶意向價730萬

美聯工商表示,荃灣One Midtown高層07室,面積約988方呎,業主意向售價約730萬元,呎價7388元 ...全文


年輕男生8500元租One Innovale開放式

粉嶺One Innovale 1期A座高層08室,實用面積209方呎,開放式間隔,以約9500元放租,議價後以 ...全文


An effective introduction to effective altruism

... ider, for one, instances where animals farmed for mass consumption in fact lead net-utility-positive lives. As a practical philosophy, EA compels us to go above and beyond the obvious. It encourages u ...More

EJ Insight2023-02-03

How HK increases competitiveness on path towards normalcy

... ar with a one-year pause in 2021, reflecting Hong Kong's poor economic situation in recent years. The ICIM rankings are based on nine criteria: from human capital (developing, attracting and nurturing ...More

EJ Insight2023-02-02

Year of Rabbit: Leaping into a bumper year for digital payment

... nd be outdone by the slow and steady tortoise, but instead it must innovate to maintain pace throughout this year. Innovation and creativity thrive in difficult environments, so we should expect great ...More

EJ Insight2023-02-02

Too soon for global optimism

... not a bad one. Even Italy has revised upward its growth estimates and is now expected to grow by 0.6% this year. Given that climate change is at the top of the European Union’s policy agenda, it is ir ...More

EJ Insight2023-02-02


... 市區重建局合作的中環ONE CENTRAL PLACE,有望今年內推售。 此外,該集團夥中電集團合作發展的何文 ...全文


信置今年推5新盤 涉逾3000伙

... I(644伙)及中環ONE CENTRAL PLACE(121伙)。 此外,該集團夥會德豐地產牽頭的西南九龍長 ...全文


Counsel of choice

One critically important element in Hong Kong’s Basic Law is expressed in Article 12 (1) ‘that any person under investigation for the commission of an offence shall have the right to…have competent an ...More

EJ Insight2023-02-01

How much will Hong Kong property rebound this year?

... 003 where one-fifth of all borrowers were in negative equity. Luckily, Beijing finally decided to open borders at the expense of a Zero-Covid policy last December. All of a sudden, the wish to get mor ...More

EJ Insight2023-02-01

Realism about techno-optimism

... and left. One side trusts markets and new technologies to fix everything, while the other insists that public policy must play a leading role. Yes, this caricature is far too crude. But recognizing th ...More

EJ Insight2023-02-01

One Innovale銷量冠軍 澐璟吸金14億稱王

... 地(00012)粉嶺One Innovale第3期One Innovale–Cabanna及大角咀利奧坊第4期 ...全文


Taiwan investment in the U.S. surges

... s and components to the new TSMC factory. Delta Electronics has bought a plant with 11,200 square metres in Plano, on the outskirts of Dallas, Texas. It supplies equipment to auto manufacturers. It ch ...More

EJ Insight2023-01-31

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