
共 1277 個結果
頁數:1...56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64

公司管治 實踐有法

... 全身投入公職前,曾在希慎興業任職長達16年,離職前為執行董事兼公司秘書。 Wendy本為國際律師事務所合夥人, ...全文


HK firms urged to rethink corporate governance issues

Hong Kong companies and their top managements need to change their mindset on the issue of corporate governance to ensure better standards in the city, a veteran executive said. Companies must realize ...More

EJ Insight2015-11-30


... 心意識對股東負責 在希慎(00014)服務19年的前執董兼公司秘書容韻儀,上月決定轉換「跑道」,希望能幫助其他 ...全文



... 得離開工作了16年的希慎集團,去追求她推廣良好公司管治的理想。 於Nicholini's午餐,搭配Wendy娓 ...全文


港股沽空率升 夜期續挫
息魔殺埋身 地產股捱沽

... 恒地(00012)及希慎(00014)跌逾2.5%;長實地產(01113)「四連跌」,昨走弱1.6%,收報50 ...全文


MSCI季檢 科網股可吼

... 發展(00017)及希慎興業(00014)均錄得逾1%跌幅。 阿里等或納入MSCI MSCI年初曾表示,將在1 ...全文


圖則爭議 城規終院決戰希慎

... 空間,引起區內大業主希慎興業(00014)不滿,就城規會的決定申請司法覆核。原審敗訴的希慎,去年獲高等法院上訴 ...全文


清香高雅 抹茶焙茶屋

... iya」進駐於銅鑼灣希慎廣場,成為第一家海外茶屋,隨即引來不少抹茶控前往朝聖。 京林屋獨特之處,是它有別於一般 ...全文



... permen的品牌在希慎廣場另起爐灶。招牌不同了,但還是以偏執狂的方式去經營:熬湯、做麵,全部堅持用精挑細選的 ...全文


New World to cut some shop rents amid retail sector slowdown

New World Development Co. (00017.HK) is slashing rents for some tenants at its shopping malls, a move aimed at helping retailers that are facing difficulties due to a sales slowdown. The reduction in ...More

EJ Insight2015-09-04

Watch out for opportunities from SOE restructuring

Small and medium-cap stocks have increasingly followed the pattern of mainland A shares, driven by the influx of hot money from mainland China. The Hong Kong market is more mature and the trading mech ...More

EJ Insight2015-05-26

Hysan expects rent hikes at commercial properties to cool

Hysan Development Co. (00014.HK) expects to secure only 10-20 percent hike in rents on renewals of commercial property leasing contracts this year, the Hong Kong Economic Journal reported.  The projec ...More

EJ Insight2015-03-12

Why investors should start diversifying their portfolio

The Hang Seng Index (HSI) has been range-bound at 24,300 points in recent days, with mainland insurance stocks and bank plays missing out on a rally triggered by a sweeping reorganization of Li Ka-shi ...More

EJ Insight2015-01-14

Shopping malls not hit by weeks of protests, say developers

Property developers say shopping malls have not been adversely affected by the four weeks of democratic protests, the Hong Kong Economic Journal, the parent publication of ejinsight.com, reported Frid ...More

EJ Insight2014-10-24

More protection eyed for property owners over adverse possession

Hong Kong's Law Reform Commission has proposed ten amendments to a statute in a bid to enhance protection to property owners over adverse possession, the Hong Kong Economic Journal reported Tuesday. T ...More

EJ Insight2014-10-21

Budget mix buoys Hysan first-quarter sales

Budget brands and stores played a big part in a 20 percent year-on-year first-quarter increase in sales at malls run by Hysan Development Co. Ltd. (00014.HK), the Hong Kong Economic Journal reported W ...More

EJ Insight2014-05-14

HKEJ Today: Highlights

Following is a summary of major news and comments in the Hong Kong Economic Journal, the parent publication of EJ Insight, on Thursday, April 3: TOP STORIES HKEx, Shanghai Stock Exchange in talks on m ...More

EJ Insight2014-04-03

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