無論內地或本港賀歲片都大有捧場客,今年市場焦點放在內地首部科幻電影《流浪地球》,阿里旗下阿里影業有份參與出品, ...全文
今年農曆新年轉眼過去,投資者最關心可能是,股市已回升不少,技術上好似由熊轉牛,沒有貨者是否追入,但又怕高追坐艇 ...全文
British Prime Minister Theresa May offered members of parliament the chance to vote in two weeks for a potentially disorderly no-deal Brexit or to delay Britain’s exit from the European Union if her a ...More
EJ Insight2019-02-27
Warren Buffett acknowledged on Monday that his Berkshire Hathaway overpaid in the 2015 merger that created Kraft Heinz Co, but said he has no plans to exit the struggling packaged foods firm, Reuters ...More
EJ Insight2019-02-26
金融交易員快速操盤,輸入購買或者出售指令,有時失手按錯鍵,導致成交數量及價格錯誤,造成經濟損失,這類烏龍稱為「 ...全文
今日信報理財投資THE LEX COLUMN2019年02月25日
踏入新一年,全球金融市場焦點除了牛去熊來外,就是增長放緩,兩者息息相關,市場基本已有共識全球經濟下行壓力加大, ...全文