
共 1925 個結果
頁數:1...61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 ...97

Turkey says action plan ready after lira dives to record low

Turkey has drafted an economic action plan and will start implementing it on Monday morning to ease investor concerns, Finance Minister Berat Albayrak said on Sunday, after the lira plunged to a new r ...More

EJ Insight2018-08-13


今日坐巴士返工途中,我無開到我個電話睇市,我係望住我隔離位乘客打機,打咩?我只知道係音樂game,即係跟住首歌 ...全文



食緊飯個時《信報》編輯強強問我「你無事嘛?」,我都有啲奇怪佢做乜無啦啦問我,但又可能佢知我呢期忙掛...返到公 ...全文


Trump team says Russia behind effort to meddle in US elections

US President Donald Trump’s national security team said Russia is behind “pervasive” attempts to interfere in upcoming US elections, in a rejection of denials of meddling that Russian President Vladim ...More

EJ Insight2018-08-03

Zimbabwe's Mnangagwa wins first post-Mugabe election

Zimbabwe President Emmerson Mnangagwa, a former spy chief installed after Robert Mugabe’s removal in a coup in November, was elected on Thursday after a poll marred by the deaths of six people in an a ...More

EJ Insight2018-08-03


話說噚晚發咗個古怪到爆嘅夢,仲要好長(其實我成日都係咁),醒咗之後仲要記得好清楚(浪費我個腦啲RAM),不過成 ...全文



建築、測量、都市規劃及園境界立法會議員謝偉銓建議,政府應調整資助房屋抽籤比率,與市民輪候時間及次數等掛鈎;另外 ...全文


Trump administration working on consumer data privacy policy

The administration of US President Donald Trump is working to develop consumer data privacy policies, and the Commerce Department is meeting with big companies like Facebook Inc., Comcast Corp and Alp ...More

EJ Insight2018-07-30


上個星期五(7月20日)乜熊乜Put都晨咁早掉走晒,仲諗住食晏可以加兩蚊飲涷飲之際,下半場開市後恒指無啦啦係咁 ...全文


G20 calls for enhanced trade dialogue to mitigate global risks

Finance ministers and central bankers from the Group of 20 nations on Sunday called for stepped-up dialogue to prevent trade and geopolitical tensions from hurting growth. Following a two-day meeting ...More

EJ Insight2018-07-23


前港區全國人大代表劉佩瓊在書展一個活動上,在回應與會者提問,如何學習中國史時,突批評已故諾貝爾和平獎得主劉曉波 ...全文



噚日計過,將喺前日(7月18日)下晝3點半買落嘅恒指熊(60737)(買入價以5分鐘圖上嗰粒燭嘅closing ...全文


Trump not happy with Fed rate hikes, strong dollar

US President Donald Trump criticized Federal Reserve policy even though most economists believe the highest inflation in seven years and lowest unemployment in 40 years justify recent interest rate ri ...More

EJ Insight2018-07-20

Sinclair 'did not fully disclose facts' on Tribune merger: FCC

Sinclair Broadcast Group Inc. “did not fully disclose facts” about aspects of its US$3.9 billion acquisition of Tribune Media, the US Federal Communications Commission said in an order that referred t ...More

EJ Insight2018-07-20

Tencent's WeChat Pay goes big in US despite trade tensions: CNBC

After conquering the home market, China’s leading mobile payment platforms are pushing their services overseas. Tencent’s WeChat Pay is expanding in the United States, despite the escalating trade fig ...More

EJ Insight2018-07-19


今朝起身睇大台新聞台,第一條讀緊嘅新聞就係話金管局同銀行開放API,俾第三方可以有一個渠道一次過睇晒咁多間銀行 ...全文


Shock, alarm as Trump backs Putin on election meddling at summit

Standing side by side with Vladimir Putin, US President Donald Trump refused on Monday to blame the Russian leader for meddling in the 2016 US election, casting doubt on the findings of his own intell ...More

EJ Insight2018-07-17


噚日講過中國海洋石油(00883)喺日線圖上形成一個「三角形」出嚟,今日再睇,中海油粒燭仍然喺呢個「三角形」裏 ...全文



「實政圓桌」立法會議員田北辰表示,今午將支持民主黨林卓廷動議,在內務委員會提出以《權力及特權條例》令港鐵交出, ...全文


Didi signs up Continental for tailor-made electric cars

China’s Didi Chuxing signed an agreement with German automotive supplier Continental AG to cooperate in developing internet-connected, electric cars tailor-made for Didi’s ride-hailing services, Reute ...More

EJ Insight2018-07-11

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