
共 1925 個結果
頁數:1...62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 ...97

US unveils tariffs on extra US$200 bln of Chinese imports

The United States announced on Tuesday that it plans to impose 10 percent tariffs on an extra US$200 billion worth of Chinese imports, raising the stakes in a trade war with China. The Trump administr ...More

EJ Insight2018-07-11


噚日全日都無做過任何動作,事關有重重謎題尚未解開。今朝早喺巴士度戰友Jack WhatsApp同我講話小米終於 ...全文



昨日坐咗成個朝頭早,都搵唔到位入恒指Put(11534);不過到咗下朝就真係大把時間大把位入,事關個市由原先跌 ...全文


Junior soccer team found alive in Thai cave after nine days

Twelve boys and their assistant soccer coach have been found alive by rescuers inside a Thai cave complex nine days after they went missing, Reuters reports, citing Chiang Rai province’s governor. In ...More

EJ Insight2018-07-03


噚日個市悶到抽筋,真係開市等收市咁滯。臨收工前同事Thomas做莊開盤,開盤噚晚日本對波蘭,Designer ...全文


Ford, Baidu join forces to develop smarter cars in China

Ford Motor Co. has signed a letter of intent with China’s internet search giant Baidu Inc .to develop artificial intelligence and smart connectivity in cars. The No. 2 US automaker said it would devel ...More

EJ Insight2018-06-28


噚日隻恒指熊(69454)...我諗都唔使講咁多,上半場臨收工前睇恒指5分鐘圖見SlowSTC(14,3)出現 ...全文



Mary Beard教授在學期結束時來才牛津,只在書店辦小型簽名會,沒任何演講或與讀者交流,令我有點失望。假如 ...全文



星期六(6月23日)晚基本上係我咁大個女第一次去聽投資講座(與其叫講座,倒不如叫talk show好過),係呀 ...全文



本港首隻「同股不同權」新股小米集團(01810)招股在即,小米CEO助理陳曦在微博提到,小米的上市股份代號「1 ...全文


Judicial reviews filed to seek overturn of co-location bill

Three applications for a judicial review have been filed against the co-location bill for the Guangzhou-Shenzhen-Hong Kong Express Rail Link, the Hong Kong Economic Journal reports. Ousted lawmaker Si ...More

EJ Insight2018-06-22

Trump: N Korea blowing up test sites; officials see no new moves

US President Donald Trump said North Korea was blowing up four of its big test sites and that a process of “total denuclearization ... has already started”, but officials said there was no such eviden ...More

EJ Insight2018-06-22

New construction problems unearthed at SCL project

Yet another set of construction flaws was discovered at the MTR Corp.'s Shatin-Central Link (SCL). Two steel bar cages used to reinforce the Exhibition Centre station’s diaphragm walls were placed in ...More

EJ Insight2018-06-21

Trump defends immigration policy amid outrage over children

The Trump administration defended its hardline immigration policy at the US-Mexico border as criticism mounted over detained immigrant parents being separated from their children, Reuters reports. Whi ...More

EJ Insight2018-06-19

Trump's tariffs pose risk to global trade, US economy, IMF warns

The International Monetary Fund warned on Thursday that US President Donald Trump’s new import tariffs threaten to undermine the global trading system, prompt retaliation by other countries and damage ...More

EJ Insight2018-06-15


噚日揀咗兩隻熊證出嚟,分別係安全之選恒指熊(63947),同埋小炒級嘅恒指熊(67492),要數到入市靚位嘅話 ...全文


Fed raises rates, signals two more hikes this year

The US Federal Reserve on Wednesday raised interest rates for the second time this year and signaled two more hikes in 2018 as the world's largest economy continues to do well amid falling unemploymen ...More

EJ Insight2018-06-14

Trump, Kim shake hands to begin historic summit

US President Donald Trump and North Korean leader Kim Jong-un shook hands and smiled cautiously as they headed for talks at a historic summit in Singapore on Tuesday. "Nice to meet you Mister Presiden ...More

EJ Insight2018-06-12

Trump upbeat ahead of talks with N Korea's Kim

US President Donald Trump said on Monday that his summit with North Korean leader Kim Jong-un "could work out very nicely", as both sides sought to narrow differences over how to end a nuclear standof ...More

EJ Insight2018-06-12

US-Canada row escalates after tense G7 meeting

The United States and Canada swung sharply toward a diplomatic and trade crisis on Sunday as top White House advisers lashed out at Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau a day after US President Trum ...More

EJ Insight2018-06-11

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