Hong Kong's benchmark index managed to break above its 100-day moving average following some encouraging economic data from China last week. With most fund managers still holding huge amounts of cash ...More
EJ Insight2016-04-20
Alibaba Group founder Jack Ma is said to be adding an additional floor and carrying out some modifications at a Hong Kong luxury home that he purchased last year for around HK$1.5 billion (US$193 mill ...More
EJ Insight2016-04-20
... 為前聯交所行政總裁、電訊盈科(00008)前副主席袁天凡及其妻子李慧敏(恒生銀行行政總裁),李慧敏已於去年7月 ...全文
Hong Kong had an Internet Finance Summit in the city last weekend, with top industry players in attendance. Now, it's time to ask this question: what progress has the territory achieved in financial t ...More
EJ Insight2016-04-19
... 文廣旗下百視通,以及電訊盈科(00008)均在2014年入股新英。故此,新英借殼文傳後,上海文廣及電盈均間接持 ...全文
上周末到灣仔會展參與《信報》與旗下StartUpBeat主辦的「2016香港互聯網金融峰會」,既是國際IT匯的 ...全文
電盈(00008)旗下免費電視99台ViuTV本周三強勢開台,首日錄得收視報捷。據ViuTV公布,按照調查公司 ...全文
... CW(00008)、電訊盈科企業方案有限公司、有線寬頻(01097)、樂視網訊息技術公司、電視廣播有限公司(0 ...全文
While many news outlets are bidding farewell to their readers and audiences, it may be baffling to note that new entrants are still flocking to Hong Kong's seemingly bleak media sector. When the debt- ...More
EJ Insight2016-04-07
Hong Kong's newest TV station is fully booked with advertising for the next two weeks, mostly on consumer staples and appliances. ViuTV, a unit of PCCW (00008.HK), began regular broadcast on Wednesday ...More
EJ Insight2016-04-07
新免費電視99台ViuTV昨天啟播,雖然有三分一時間播放新聞節目,但仍獲不少廣告商「搶鮮」。ViuTV總經理魯 ...全文
美國聯儲局今晨公布上一次會議紀錄,市場觀望氣氛濃厚,大市缺乏明顯方向。恒指昨天低開後掉頭回升,最多上升70餘點 ...全文
香港人「電視撈飯」終於有新選擇,電盈(00008)出資成立的免費電視ViuTV今日正式開台,數碼頻道為99台, ...全文