
共 1925 個結果
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【輪證贏家】恒指下行但 VHSI觸底反彈

噚晚我陪我家老爺同Eric舅父去睇演唱會,嚴格嚟講係香港Band show,係呀!如果你噚晚都係喺紅館嘅話,我 ...全文


Trump may invite Kim Jong-un to US if Singapore talks go well

US President Donald Trump held out the prospect of inviting North Korea's Kim Jong-un to the White House if a summit between the two leaders next week in Singapore goes well, Reuters reports. At a new ...More

EJ Insight2018-06-08

Starbucks' Schultz to quit, US presidential bid rumors fly

Howard Schultz is stepping down as executive chairman of global coffee chain Starbucks Corp., effective June 26, fueling speculation that the outspoken, liberal-leaning executive will make a US presid ...More

EJ Insight2018-06-05


噚日食飽返嚟睇嗰市,計一計爭100點唔到就已經補到周三(5月30日)嗰下跌裂口,雖則話下方牛證係遠少少,但量街 ...全文


【輪證贏家】牛證街貨重 6月真係窮?

噚日話個市擔心意大利有事,一嚟就裂口低開,前日臨收市先買嘅恒指熊(64350)就係咁就走人,之後個市雖然有再插 ...全文


US reaches deal to keep ZTE in business: report

The Trump administration has informed US lawmakers that it has reached a deal to put Chinese telecoms equipment maker ZTE back in business, Reuters reports, citing an unidentified senior congressional ...More

EJ Insight2018-05-28


Yo! I'm back! 收到大家嘅email同微博留言問我星期一(5月21日)個檢查搞成點,多謝大家關心, ...全文


Pay hikes of up to 4.5% recommended for civil servants this year

Hong Kong's civil servants could get pay hikes of up to 4.5 percent this year if the government accepts the recommendations put forward by a official panel. The 2018 Pay Trend Survey, released on Wedn ...More

EJ Insight2018-05-17

【輪證贏家】噚日隻騰訊熊 …唉…

噚日揀定隻騰訊熊(59332)出嚟,諗住跟大隊齊齊買企鵝業績見光死啦,喺下半場1點50分左右,見騰訊(0070 ...全文


Trump says not sure if summit with North Korea will go ahead

US President Donald Trump said it was unclear if his summit with North Korean leader Kim Jong-un would go ahead after Pyongyang threatened to pull out of the unprecedented meeting, Reuters reports. No ...More

EJ Insight2018-05-17

Malaysian reformist Anwar Ibrahim walks free after royal pardon

Jailed Malaysian reformist Anwar Ibrahim was granted a full pardon on Wednesday and walked out of a hospital in Kuala Lumpur just a week after his alliance scored a shock victory in a general election ...More

EJ Insight2018-05-16

Fed’s Bullard: Cryptocurrencies still have a 'big deal' problem

Unstable exchange rates pose a major problem for the cryptocurrency market, serving as the biggest obstacle for wider acceptance of the virtual units, according to James Bullard, president of the Fede ...More

EJ Insight2018-05-15

Trump defends decision to revisit ZTE ban

US President Donald Trump on Monday defended his decision to try and help ZTE Corp "get back into business", after his administration earlier banned American firms from selling components to the Chine ...More

EJ Insight2018-05-15

Pompeo: US to lift sanctions if N Korea ends nuclear program

US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said Washington would agree to lift sanctions on North Korea if the country agrees to completely dismantle its nuclear weapons program, a move that would create econo ...More

EJ Insight2018-05-14


讀者黃先生問:「新華保險(01336)可否買入,其內涵值60元一股,折讓都幾大,點解一路跌?」(周五收報38. ...全文


Political stance seen as criteria in District Council elections

Like in Legislative Council by-elections in March, a candidate's political stance will again be considered as a factor in determining whether he or she can run in the District Council elections next y ...More

EJ Insight2018-05-10

Iran rejects US demand to renegotiate nuclear deal

Iran’s foreign minister said US demands to change its 2015 nuclear agreement with world powers were unacceptable, Reuters reports. US President Donald Trump has warned that unless European allies rect ...More

EJ Insight2018-05-04


終於都搬咗去新office,終於都set好晒啲電腦(但無電視睇),終於都有network上到網,然後終於都喺朝 ...全文


North Korea's Kim to invite US experts for nuclear site shutdown

North Korean leader Kim Jong Un plans to invite experts and journalists from the United States and South Korea when the country shuts its nuclear test site in May, Reuters reports, citing Seoul offici ...More

EJ Insight2018-04-30

【一問三答】張小姐揸住5萬股3323, 想知...

讀者張小姐問:「想問我有5萬股中國建材(03323),平均價5.5元買入,請問可以長期持有?或上望幾多?唔該。 ...全文


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