... 八成三至九成三。. 中聯重科(01157):預期去年扭虧為盈,按中國會計準則,淨利潤13億至14億元人民幣,對 ...全文
... 重汽(03808)、中聯重科(01157)與筆者愛股的中國龍工(03339),無疑上述不少股份例如石油類的油服 ...全文
... .8元,升4.1%;中聯重科(01157)收報3.82元,升近3%,其他如濰柴動力(02338)、中國重汽(0 ...全文
... 海控(01919) 中聯重科(01157) 美聯(01200)今放榜:招商局(00144) 新濠(00200) ...
信報視頻EJ Markets2017年08月31日
... 反映銷售勝預期,首選中聯重科(01157),目標價由4.75元升至5.1元、中國龍工則由2.35元升至2.6元 ...全文
... 龍工(03339)及中聯重科(01157)飆逾8%,三一國際(00631)揚7.1%。 新納入「深港通」的美圖 ...全文
... 價看2.9元。 其餘中聯重科(01157)亦因瑞信把其目標價由4.75元升至5.1元,股價勁升8.13%。傳統 ...全文
As political uncertainties in Europe persist, funds are expected to keep flowing out from the region into US equities and other US dollar assets. Among major events, Italy will hold a constitutional r ...More
EJ Insight2016-11-29
... 世寶(01057)、中聯重科(01157)、比亞迪(01211)、晨鳴紙業(01812),以至金風科技(022 ...全文
In China, most of the toll road projects have a maximum concession of only 30 years. To sustain profitability and pave the way for future growth, toll road companies need to plough back part of their ...More
EJ Insight2016-11-28