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被指漏報家族擁高球場旁地 何君堯:不清楚詳情

立法會新界西議員何君堯被指,漏報家族公司於粉嶺高球場周邊土地利益,他表示,自己不清楚詳情,但認為「有漏報都唔係 ...全文


Why FANG firms are at a crossroads

The tech stocks that fuelled the last bull market have seen their share prices plummet as an onslaught of bad headlines took its toll. More regulation and taxation are almost certainly on the horizon ...More

EJ Insight2018-04-20

Trump warns he may call off summit with North Korea's Kim

US President Donald Trump said he hoped an unprecedented summit with North Korean leader Kim Jong-un would be successful after a recent visit to Pyongyang by CIA Director Mike Pompeo, but warned he wo ...More

EJ Insight2018-04-19

Ex-FBI chief says Trump 'morally unfit' to be America's leader

Former FBI director James Comey accused US President Donald Trump in a television interview of being a dangerous and “morally unfit” leader. Comey, who was fired by Trump in May last year and is comin ...More

EJ Insight2018-04-16


上個星期五恒指呈高開後下行到上半場11點半,分鐘圖出現超賣,所以出現技術性反彈;反彈之後大市都只係喺30700 ...全文



星期三(4月4日)下半場個市再次因為中美貿易戰而忽然急挫逾600點收市,激心嘅係如果星期二(3日)唔係揀隻咁鬼 ...全文


Tesla reels from downgrade, fatal crash probes

Shares of Tesla Inc. fell sharply again on Wednesday, reeling from a credit downgrade of the electric car maker by Moody’s Investors Service, federal probes of a fatal crash and concerns about Model 3 ...More

EJ Insight2018-03-29

Australian casino boss Packer quits over mental health issues

Australian billionaire James Packer has quit the board of casino operator Crown Resorts Ltd. due to mental health issues, following a tumultuous period including a break-up with singer Mariah Carey an ...More

EJ Insight2018-03-21

Trump calls for death penalty for drug dealers

US President Donald Trump unveiled a long-awaited plan to fight the nation's opioid crisis, calling for stiffer penalties for drug dealers, including the death penalty. At an event in Manchester, New ...More

EJ Insight2018-03-20

US bans transactions with Venezuela's digital currency

US President Donald Trump signed an executive order barring any US-based financial transactions involving Venezuela’s new petro cryptocurrency, as US officials warned that it was a “scam” by President ...More

EJ Insight2018-03-20

Trump's China tariffs may be unveiled by Friday: report

The Trump administration is expected to unveil up to US$60 billion in new tariffs on Chinese imports by Friday, targeting a range of items including technology and telecoms products, Reuters reports, ...More

EJ Insight2018-03-20

Google teams up with retailers to cash in on product searches

Alphabet Inc.’s Google routinely fields product queries from millions of shoppers. Now it wants to take a cut of their purchases, too. The US technology company is teaming up with retailers including ...More

EJ Insight2018-03-19

US business lobby group warns Trump against China tariffs

The US Chamber of Commerce warned the Trump administration that unilateral tariffs on Chinese goods could lead to a destructive trade war that will hurt American consumers and US economic growth. The ...More

EJ Insight2018-03-16


噚日朝早「痛定思痛」(因為衰咗嘛)之後,就諗住沉住氣重新睇吓個市向邊度出發啦,睇咗大半日恒指都只係打橫行,悶到 ...全文


US wary of North Korea weapons advances while talks take place

North Korea could buy time to build up and refine its nuclear arsenal, including a warhead able to survive re-entry into the Earth’s atmosphere, if it manages to drag out any talks with Washington, US ...More

EJ Insight2018-03-08


美國參議院共和黨多數黨領袖麥康奈爾(Mitch McConnell)最近宣稱:「在我從政這30年當中,2017 ...全文

名家論壇Project Syndicate2018年03月07日

Trump calls North Korea 'sincere' on possible nuclear talks

Feeling the pressure of sanctions, North Korea seems “sincere” in its apparent willingness to halt nuclear tests if it held denuclearization talks with the United States, President Donald Trump said. ...More

EJ Insight2018-03-07


今日個焦點相信都落咗係《財政預算案》身上,派唔派錢、派唔派糖、派幾多錢同點樣派糖,都成為咗近期市場「落注」同「 ...全文



讀者ERIC問:「你好,本人30歲,月入4萬,未有物業,每月可儲2萬元,現儲了150萬現金,過往一直等待機會但 ...全文



仲記得2月頭凍到傻,走去電器鋪同人搶暖風機買,開咗三日之後天氣回暖;到前兩日又無啦啦落毛毛雨,感覺又有少少涼。 ...全文


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