召車程式公司Uber上周五公布,去年全年召車及外賣訂單涉及總金額(gross bookings)飆45%, 達 ...全文
正籌備今年內招股上市的召車軟件商Uber披露,去年連同訂車與訂餐在內的總預訂收益達到500億美元,按年升45% ...全文
... tlantic以支持Uber和Airbnb等大型初創公司聞名,意味斯旺再次有機會與起步不久的初創公司合作。不過 ...全文
... ng to use Uber and Lyft to deliver groceries, and struggling in its attempt to use its own employees to deliver goods. Deliv, which was one of Walmart’s earliest partners with pilot programs in Miami ...More
EJ Insight2019-02-13
... e,去年1月起更成為Uber的最大單一股東。 由2016年創立至今,Nuro已經籌得超過10億美元融資,除了軟 ...全文
今日信報財經新聞StartupBeat 創科鬥室2019年02月13日
Uber在港發生首宗奪命車禍後,社會更關注網約車的安全和對道路使用者造成的風險;的士業界說非法「白牌車」司機未 ...全文
正當圖片分享軟件Pinterest、共乘平台Uber及民宿租賃程式Airbnb等一眾共享概念公司雄心勃勃計劃今 ...全文
... ple, when Uber and Airbnb launched in the city, at first, they all attracted resounding criticism and questions concerning the security level. But over time, consumers will gradually accept and unders ...More
EJ Insight2019-02-08
... 景基金,現已入股包括Uber與WeWork等初創企業。 軟銀行政總裁孫正義去年曾表示,對於投資進度感滿意,且有 ...全文
... ptance of Uber. To take advantage of new technologies and help improve the services of its taxi industry, the Singapore government allows Uber drivers to legally operate in the city as long as they h ...More
EJ Insight2019-02-04
... g company Uber Technologies Inc. and shared-office space firm WeWork. China’s used car market has continued to grow even as overall auto sales declined last year for the first time since the 1990s. U ...More
EJ Insight2019-02-04
... 受並不容易,「例如,Uber及Airbnb剛推出時均引來很大迴響,安全性被質疑。惟假以時日,消費者將慢慢接受, ...全文
今日信報財經新聞StartupBeat 創科鬥室2019年02月04日
... 發展的重要性,從其對Uber這些共享經濟企業態度已可見一斑。既然科技發展浪潮已無可改變,又可以改善司機服務態度 ...全文
... 、LinkedIn和Uber相繼將勢力範圍擴張到紐約,其用意不用多想也能猜到,就是搜羅人才嘛。亞馬遜在上個月也 ...全文
... orking on Uber Technologies' UberAIR service for flights that are planned to be available for order via smartphones around 2023. Boeing is looking to achieve a range of 50 miles with two flying car va ...More
EJ Insight2019-01-24
近日在中東數國,對當地的Uber生態多了切身了解,深感這個「去中介化」App,絕對是協助世界公民壯大的偉大發明 ...全文
西班牙的士司機連日抗議,要求政府加強管制召車程式公司Uber。 數百名的士司機周二兵分兩路,部分穿上「黃背心」 ...全文