電盈(00008)公布,去年純利跌30.7%,至22.95億元,撇除盈大地產(00432)業務,核心純利升23 ...全文
環球股市及油價回吐壓力不大,屬大漲小回,恒指昨天收報19414點,跌49點,美股波動指數(VIX)跌破20水平 ...全文
As the Lunar New Year approaches, the queues at the bank are getting longer for people who want to get fresh dollar notes to give away during the festive season. Giving away lai see is such a heartwar ...More
EJ Insight2016-02-03
The Hong Kong and mainland equity markets have seen little excitement before the Lunar New Year holidays. Investors should adopt a strategy that is both defensive and offensive to outperform the bench ...More
EJ Insight2016-02-02
The Mandatory Provident Fund Schemes Authority has filed a writ with District Court demanding that Asia Television Ltd. pay HK$416,000 (US$53,214) in employer's MPF contributions for October last year ...More
EJ Insight2016-01-20
網媒「毛記電視」早前舉辦的「第一屆十大勁曲金曲分獎典禮」在網絡上迴響相當大,在Facebook不斷「洗板」,活 ...全文
... 線寬頻旗下有線電視、電訊盈科(00008)的now TV及其出資成立的ViuTV,均對樂視奪得下屆世界盃播放權 ...全文
The Hang Seng Index is down 9 percent, or more than 2,000 points, in the first six trading days of the year while the China Enterprise Index is off 11.8 percent. That means most investors have suffere ...More
EJ Insight2016-01-12
香港電視圈今年風起雲湧,比電視劇更有戲味。今年4月,擁有58年歷史的亞視遭釘牌,明年4月停止廣播,由電盈(00 ...全文