
共 3000 個結果
頁數:1...65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 ...150

China says US can't use pressure to force trade deal

... , we will keep the door open. If they want a fight, we will fight till the end,” Wei said. Trump has said he will meet President Xi Jinping at the G20 summit in Osaka at the end of the month, though C ...More

EJ Insight2019-06-03

HK startup Aptorum casts wide net at biotech business

... trying to keep at bay new threats from H7N9 and many other viruses that trigger outbreaks. Hong Kong’ rich experience and deep talent pool in this area is also a key reason why Huen believes the city ...More

EJ Insight2019-05-31

Theresa May: A political tragedy

... signed to keep the Irish border open after Brexit, to tie Britain into the EU’s customs union in perpetuity, without any say on its operation. This would not only have undermined Britain’s ability to ...More

EJ Insight2019-05-31

US tech war offers chance for HK to lure more China talents

...  Alibaba, keep awake at night. Alibaba is keen to open up a new financing channel in Hong Kong so that it will have an escape route in case the group gets targeted, punished, or even forced to suspend ...More

EJ Insight2019-05-29

No renegotiation of Brexit deal, EU tells Britain

...  found to keep open the land border between Northern Ireland and Ireland. Under laws now in effect, Britain will automatically leave the EU on Oct. 31 without an agreement unless parliament approves o ...More

EJ Insight2019-05-29

That Oscars red carpet moment at Sanlitun

... e photogs keep their distance, but oftentimes their actions are nothing short of harassment, training their lenses just a meter away from their targets. They would shout at whoever they fancy, "Give m ...More

EJ Insight2019-05-28

Football club sponsors from China: An enigma wrapped in mystery

... ne should keep in mind that the Chinese government remains hyper vigilant to excessive (what it itself terms ‘irrational’) outward currency flows. Chinese companies may feel unable to spend big on ove ...More

EJ Insight2019-05-28


... ,然後啲仔就會出嚟話keep住爸爸一貫做事件作風,叫大家股東唔駛擔心;見到行家出咗個live,我上返FB睇,台 ...全文


Fears over extradition bill swell crowd at pre-June 4 march

... rvened to keep them separated and prevent any untoward incident. Outside the Liaison Office, the marchers observed moments of silence in memory of the victims of the Tiananmen Square crackdown. Tsoi c ...More

EJ Insight2019-05-27

Top reasons why startups fail

... budget to keep the operation going.  A weak founding team is considered by 23 percent of startups as the third reason for failure. For any small business, it's critical to build the right team. The te ...More

EJ Insight2019-05-24

HK govt in a bind after two localists granted asylum in Germany

... he duo to keep quiet on their granted refugee status but later tacitly consented to their disclosing it. The German authority in charge of immigration and refugee issues said it has received asylum-se ...More

EJ Insight2019-05-23


... 寫「依家XX點,恒指Keep住喺8000至40000點...」如果咁樣寫三次而我唔被人斬死嘅話,我叫我家老爺嗰 ...全文


Housing Society seeks to ease restrictions on subletting scheme

...  plans to keep the qualifications of flat owners and tenants for participation in scheme unchanged. That means a flat owner must have owned the title of the unit for at least 10 years, while an eligib ...More

EJ Insight2019-05-22

FSI digital transformation: how to squeeze more value from data

... s need to keep innovating to stay relevant and thrive. The key enabler of this innovation is data. Specifically, FSIs need to make sense of the vast amounts of data they sit on and drive meaningful ou ...More

EJ Insight2019-05-22

Will Xiaomi benefit from Huawei's woes?

... ticularly keep an eye on Xiaomi, which has shown signs of flagging growth in recent months as it faced intense competition. Xiaomi has been lagging behind in both China and overseas in terms of shipme ...More

EJ Insight2019-05-22

The Huawei I know

...  dumb and keep a low-profile until the storm passes. – Contact us at [email protected] CG ...More

EJ Insight2019-05-21


... 噚日臨收市前上行個勢keep住上行,呢啲咁古怪嘅走勢有咩辦法仲令你手執一隻約30倍槓桿比率嘅熊呢?唔通真係愛咩 ...全文


US eases some curbs on Huawei to keep mobile networks operating

The US government on Monday eased some restrictions imposed last week on China’s Huawei Technologies to help limit unintended consequences on third parties. The Commerce Department will allow Huawei t ...More

EJ Insight2019-05-21

Fresh pork supply resumes in local markets

... r best to keep the price at an affordable level. Speaking during an RTHK program on Sunday, Hui expressed concern over the large-scale culling of pigs last week, and said there may have been a communi ...More

EJ Insight2019-05-20


... 0分打後,正股股價都keep住喺$96.X嘅水平慢升,但同步見5分鐘圖SlowSTC(14,3)就巴巴聲下行, ...全文


頁數:1...65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 ...150

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