... eek, when WeChat launched a Hong Kong payment version with enticing offers such as free Airport Express ride or entrance to the Hong Kong Jockey Club racecourse, it did not bother to give away mobile ...More
EJ Insight2016-02-03
CEC International Holdings' (00759.HK) 759 Store chain in Hong Kong will be connected to the WeChat Payment network from Feb. 4, a move that will make the retail outlets more attractive to mainland vi ...More
EJ Insight2016-02-01
... 於上周在港開始測試的WeChat錢包(即香港版微信支付),李英豪直言,WeChat錢包攻港最大難關是如何確保安 ...全文
本港手機錢包大戰在春節前夕引爆。騰訊(00700)昨天在香港推出WeChat錢包(微信錢包)測試版,部分用戶在 ...全文
... 金經理外,內地微信(WeChat)群組,以及香港一些宏觀交易員,也在近兩周提起聯繫滙率、港元貶值這話題,證明市 ...全文
WeChat Payment, a mobile payment service provided by Tencent Holdings (00700.HK), will launch operations in Hong Kong before the Chinese New Year, the Hong Kong Economic Journal reported Monday, citin ...More
EJ Insight2016-01-18
... 交通訊應用程式微信(WeChat),在2014年農曆新年在內地推出的「微信紅包」,最初由微信及部分商戶在該平台 ...全文
... on Weibo, WeChat etc. that contain 'excellent Zhao (精趙)', 'honored Zhao (貴趙)', 'family Zhao', 'Zhao kingdom (趙國)'," it said. Whether the message is authentic or not, "Zhao" seems now to be one of many ...More
EJ Insight2016-01-07
... platform WeChat on Sunday, and soon went viral on social forums in China, Mirror Evening News reported. It is not clear which airline or flight the passengers were taking, but the photos were apparen ...More
EJ Insight2016-01-06
The growing popularity of messaging and social media app WeChat among China's stock market investors is posing a problem to regulators, who now find it harder to monitor trades and spot illegal activi ...More
EJ Insight2016-01-06
... r and the WeChat service from Tencent Holdings Ltd. (00700.HK). WeChat is the most popular messaging app in China. Google, a unit of Alphabet Inc., plans to integrate chatbots -- software programs tha ...More
EJ Insight2015-12-23
... rough the WeChat social platform, whereas Parkson has introduced an online shopping site. The explosion of Chinese e-commerce has caught off guard not just domestic retail leaders but international in ...More
EJ Insight2015-12-16