... 36%,達榮及券商金利豐負責包銷。 經過數個月的輾轉發展,實華發展星期一(22日)公布了供股認購結果及最新持股 ...全文
... 在美國,科技公司盈利豐厚,前途無量,目前美股市值最大的幾間公司,全是Alphabet、蘋果、微軟等科技公司, ...全文
... 不可能像長線投資般獲利豐厚。長線獲利投資法則在於低買高賣。無論是價值投資買入被低估的股份或是買入未來潛在增長的 ...全文
... 有任何貨運航空機隊;利豐集團早期屬業務出眾的供應鏈管理公司,並未擁有任何生產設施。同樣,兩家公司的服務及營運方 ...全文
... 月15日宣布,透過金利豐(01031)以股東大會一般授權的方式,向冶金專家江海榮配發8.77億股新股,每股0. ...全文
... 沽空石油股或油價,獲利豐厚,年回報約一倍,今年油價隨時下跌至見底的價格,那麼屆時要反過來由沽轉「揸」,若油價今 ...全文
... 背馳後才出現反彈。 利豐中移動金沙加碼Put 個別股份開始加速下跌,利豐(00494)逆市向下,料穿底後有一輪 ...全文
... 的投資者亦有上榜,金利豐(01031)行政總裁朱李月華身家大漲1.53倍,至41億美元,排名16位。「低調殼王 ...全文
There is a famous Chinese saying that “wealth never survives three generations”. That may apply in mainland China, but not in the rest of Asia. That may be why no mainland-based family made it onto th ...More
EJ Insight2015-10-10
Li & Fung Ltd. (00494.HK), a Hong Kong-based supplier of consumer goods, said it expects to enjoy lower purchasing costs in mainland China in view of the weaker renminbi in the long run. However, ...More
EJ Insight2015-08-21
HSBC Holdings (0005.HK) has outlined a new version of its roadmap for the future. The plan, which involves "10 Strategic Actions", is seen as key to the bank's financial performance and share price in ...More
EJ Insight2015-06-13
For decades Li & Fung Ltd. has been helping western brands navigate the supply chain in China, Vietnam, Bangladesh and other low-cost countries. By connecting Tommy Hilfiger, Abercrombie & Fit ...More
EJ Insight2015-05-22
Despite the growing popularity of online shopping, last-mile issues remain a challenge for e-tailers. One-year-old FingerShopping has found a cost-effective solution that could be a model for the indu ...More
EJ Insight2015-04-23
A lackluster retail market is likely to hinder Li & Fung Ltd. (00494.HK) in its efforts to achieve its three-year plan, the Hong Kong Economic Journal reported Friday. The trading and logistics fi ...More
EJ Insight2015-03-20