... 等諸多方面都需要產業新城發展商參與,為該類發展商提供核心業務發展機會。 中信證券經紀(香港)有限公司投資諮詢服 ...全文
... 幣,按年增長九成三。新城發展(01030)2月實現合約銷售金額按年上升1.5倍。龍光地產(03380)2月合約 ...全文
內房銷售持續改善中,龍頭恒大(03333)宣布上調今年合約銷售目標至3000億元(人民幣.下同);此外,市場仍 ...全文
... 行深入研究。 (1)新城發展(01030):截至6月30日的半年業績,合約銷售約280.5億人民幣(+144% ...全文
內地樓市受惠調控措施適量鬆綁,市場氣氛改善,整體樓價及成交量漸趨回暖,上半年內房發展商賣樓表現普遍有起色,13 ...全文
... 桂園(02007)及新城發展(01030)等,新城發展執行董事兼副總裁陳偉健【圖】表示,基於保密原則不能對傳言 ...全文
It’s common sense that prices of commodities are a gauge of economic conditions. Hong Kong’s runaway home prices are thus a reflection of land (and property) undersupply and robust demand fueled by th ...More
EJ Insight2015-02-09
Lower-tier cities usually suffer the most during any slowdown in China's property market, as is the case now. Still, a number of developers prefer to focus on this difficult market segment. And record ...More
EJ Insight2014-08-15