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何藩──A Day is Done

... 場景。 (圖片由香港Blue Lotus Gallery提供) [email protected]   ...全文



... 、淫褻、猥瑣、下流(Blue Jokes)。情緒低落,星期一要上班,令人心情沮喪,叫藍色周一。黑人唱的怨歌名為 ...全文


Ex-Esprit chairman transfers HK$900 mln shares to two daughters

He once was the chairman and chief executive of blue-chip fashion group Esprit Holdings (00330.HK), but he cashed out when its share price was near the peak. He is married to arguably the most beautif ...More

EJ Insight2017-10-13

金牌製片性醜聞鬧大 美英警方調查
邦女郎爆多名導演「濫權」 斥荷里活包庇

... 接近無限溫暖的藍》(Blue is the Warmest Color)勇奪康城影展金棕櫚獎、曾主演《007: ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2017年10月13日

Behind Junius Ho’s 'patriotic' outbursts

... o-called “blue ribbon” voters. Beijing’s Liaison Office has tried to draw support from centrist voters by throwing its weight behind seemingly moderate and professional candidates such as lawyers in t ...More

EJ Insight2017-10-10

Catalan leader calls for international mediation in stand-off

... d and its blue-chip stock index fell 1.2 percent. Ratings agency Fitch said the confrontational nature of the vote in Catalonia increased Spain’s near-term political risks and would make a negotiated ...More

EJ Insight2017-10-03


... 業順遂,二十多歲就由Blue Note替他出唱片;但毒品改變一切,為了買毒品,一向愛裝扮的他竟然把皮鞋都賣掉, ...全文


A blended approach to enhance Asian bond returns

... owing and blue-chip Asian corporations across many sectors. It also helps us to effectively identify the best opportunities across both local and USD-denominated markets while prudently managing downs ...More

EJ Insight2017-09-26


... 格蘭中上層、地主甚至Blue Blood為主的保守黨來說,肥彭算是異類,要不是上世紀七、八十年代保守黨開始打破 ...全文

今日信報EJ GlobalEJ GLOBAL plus Food for Thought盧峯2017年09月23日

With Blue Bottle, Nestlé eyes high-end challenge to Starbucks

Established in 2002, Blue Bottle has built its reputation on hand-drip coffee, which costs more than US$10 a cup. It’s a favorite of Silicon Valley techies, who have dubbed it "the iPhone of the coffe ...More

EJ Insight2017-09-21


美國矽谷有一家Startup名為Blue Bottle,先後獲得Twitter、Instagram、Uber等 ...全文


Some thoughts on food trucks

... Under the blue sky was an eye-catchingly bright red double-decker bus parked on the shore in front of the crystal clear seawater. The vintage London bus surprisingly blended well into the background o ...More

EJ Insight2017-09-15

North Korea launches another missile over Japan

... sidential Blue House has called an urgent National Security Council meeting. Japan also convened a National Security Council meeting. North Korea's latest missile launch comes a day after Pyongyang th ...More

EJ Insight2017-09-15

全球首間 梵高五感藝術餐廳

... Blossom」,以Blue Curacao、Prosecco、新鮮青提子汁、荔枝酒、自家製茉莉花蜜糖、乾茉莉 ...全文


撒哈拉 修煉和騙局

... 巾和寬袍,所以又稱「Blue Men」,非常易認。他們主要集中在北非摩洛哥和阿爾及利亞,擁有自己的語言。傳統是 ...全文


HK Equities: Why small and mid caps are worth a bet

... re, these blue-chip stocks might suffer. Certainly, small and mid-cap stocks have high liquidity risk. They might be dumped immediately when the winds of change start to blow. But at the moment, momen ...More

EJ Insight2017-09-05

University students help outsourced workers fight for rights

... rents are blue-collar workers who are very hardworking and sometimes have to suffer minor injuries due to the nature of their jobs. “I always wonder why resources in society are so unfairly distribute ...More

EJ Insight2017-09-04

夢工場元素 永續號太空船腕錶

... 電影《藍色夏威夷》(Blue Hawaii)時佩戴。新作品中的Ventura Skeleton探索系列鏤空腕錶 ...全文


State funds too active in China equity markets

... dex. Some blue chips like Kweichow Moutai Co. (600519.CN) even rose to a record high. The state-backed investors, collectively referred to as the national team, have achieved their mission and are act ...More

EJ Insight2017-09-01

各色餐具 各色個性

... 的Anatolia Blue系列。亮麗的金色圍邊襯以獨特的葡萄藤花紋,加上高雅的粉藍色瓷釉,散發古典氣質。另一 ...全文


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