... hat these gaps leave their analyses systematically biased against climate action. They have ignored trenchant critiques from eminent economists such as Nicholas Stern and Joseph E. Stiglitz, who note ...More
EJ Insight2023-02-08
... awareness gap)。白宮國安顧問沙利文指出,拜登上任後改進監控系統,故現時才能揭露相關資訊。 ...全文
寶尊電商-W(09991) 海外監管公告-6-K表格寶尊完成收購GAP上海及宣佈GAP大中華區高層任命(240 ...全文
... )起開始經營The Gap Inc.在中國內地、香港及澳門的業務。 寶尊電商在去年11月向美國服裝公司The ...全文
... vice, the gap between spending and revenue could not be closed without cutting one of the three protected categories. Do the consequences of a government default outweigh the drawbacks of these gimmic ...More
EJ Insight2023-01-24
... a yawning gap on terms for initiating any negotiations. Putin said Russia was willing to negotiate but would only do so under the condition of keeping all the annexed territories. Putin himself has no ...More
EJ Insight2023-01-09
... ished the gap between exchange rate and short-term yields. Yet we do not expect the gap to close completely given that it partly represents the deterioration in Europe’s energy terms of trade, which a ...More
EJ Insight2022-12-30
... inability gap, which is the additional investment in low-emissions technologies that every country must make to achieve net-zero emissions by 2050. Given that the world is on track to deplete its “car ...More
EJ Insight2022-12-28
... 更加進取,服裝零售商Gap對減價貨品額外提供60%折扣,該公司旗下Banana Republic亦劈價60%, ...全文
... 指數(Gender Gap Index,GGI)衡量經濟參與及機會、教育程度、健康與生存以及政治授權,而當中, ...全文
今日信報理財投資CFA投資視野Sivananth Ramachandran2022年12月15日
... ating the gap in the effective prices of carbon in the US and EU. An environmentally-driven reinvigoration of the WTO would benefit developing countries, too. Vietnam and other Asian countries could b ...More
EJ Insight2022-11-30
... 限制性著陸利率」。 Gap周五股價升7.6%,公司公布的季度銷售額和利潤超過華爾街預期。另外全個星期,蘋果、亞 ...全文
... 道指成份股。 零售商Gap及Foot Locker業績俱勝預期,股價分別勁升7.63%及8.73%。另邊廂,石 ...全文
服裝零售商Gap重組初見成效,截至10月29日止第三季扭虧為盈,賺2.82億美元(約22億港元),每股經調整盈 ...全文
... Digital。■ Gap第三季按年轉賺2.82億美元,收入升2.5%,均優於預期。■ Kohl's第三季盈利 ...全文