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A roller coaster dream in the making

... e moon or Mars as a tourist before I'm 80. Or write my first novel. Shreela puts it nicely: “When I pick up my pen, many ideas come to my mind.” -- Contact us at [email protected] JG/JP/RA ...More

EJ Insight2016-03-19

Europe-Russia space mission to search for signs of life on Mars

A joint European-Russian mission aimed at searching for signs of life on Mars was launched on Monday. The spacecraft, part of the ExoMars program, blasted off from the Baikonur spaceport in Kazakhstan ...More

EJ Insight2016-03-15

Amazon’s US$0.99 blockbusters

The Washington Post ran an article in May last year on how a 99 US cent Amazon Kindle ebook may have saved NASA and the Mars space program. Incidentally, it became a New York Times bestseller and, as ...More

EJ Insight2016-02-29

Plastic in Snickers bar prompts Mars to recall products

Mars Inc. has recalled chocolate bars and other products in 55 countries, mainly in Europe, due to choking risk after a piece of plastic was found in a Snickers bar in Germany. All of the recalled pro ...More

EJ Insight2016-02-24

Mars巧克力含膠碎 55國回收

巧克力生產商Mars回收全球55個國家的Mars、Snickers、Milky Way、Celebration ...全文

今日信報EJ Global簡訊2016年02月24日

Taylor Swift bests Lamar for Grammy album of the year

... ger Bruno Mars and producer Mark Ronson won record of the year for their upbeat track "Uptown Funk!" "Thank you guys so much. This is dedicated to the fans. We wouldn't be up here if it wasn't for the ...More

EJ Insight2016-02-16

Elon Musk reiterates Mars mission ambitions

Elon Musk, founder of private spaceflight company Space Exploration Technologies Corp. (SpaceX), said on Tuesday that his firm aims to put humans on Mars by 2025. The billionaire entrepreneur, who is ...More

EJ Insight2016-01-27

投資署刪網風波後 Uber經理低調踩場

...  going to Mars would be a terrible choice.(如果你想住得安全及舒適, ...全文


A Filmstar 大衛寶兒

... ders from Mars,替自己虛構了一個來自外星的 Ziggy Stardust身份,來到了將近滅亡的地 ...全文


The one thing David Bowie couldn't do has finally happened

... ders From Mars (No. 21). Bowie’s history on the Billboard 200 dates back nearly 44 years when Hunky Dory bowed on the chart dated April 15, 1972. Blackstar and Best of Bowie bring the artist’s total o ...More

EJ Insight2016-01-18

Tributes pour in for David Bowie who died of cancer at 69

... ders from Mars", and "Aladdin Sane". -- Contact us at [email protected] RC/CG ...More

EJ Insight2016-01-12

Diamonds are a girl's best friend -- but only if men agree

If you're searching for proof that men are from Mars and women are from Venus, look no further. American relationship guru John Gray nailed it in the eponymous book (Men Are from Mars, Women Are From ...More

EJ Insight2015-12-02

公司管治 實踐有法

...  另一例子是糖果品牌Mars,由於品牌需要大量的可可豆以生產朱古力,為了改善可可豆的質素與確保可持續發展,因此 ...全文


Iran on its way to becoming a super BRICS country

...  moon and Mars”. Such optimism could be well-founded, as Iran is among the most advanced countries in the Middle East, with a well-educated population, a mature middle class and highly developed infra ...More

EJ Insight2015-11-27

Mining in space could cost less than building a gas plant

... zation of Mars and beyond. -- Contact us at [email protected] CG/ ...More

EJ Insight2015-11-06

Solar winds stripped Mars of atmosphere, scientists say

Scientists have documented a solar storm blasting away the atmosphere of Mars. It is an important clue in a long-standing mystery of how a planet that was once like Earth turned into a cold, dry deser ...More

EJ Insight2015-11-06

Paul Van Scott Sounds of Pop!-Lady Gaga

... nna及Bruno Mars等近兩世紀流行樂壇巨星的肖像,作品現正在置地廣場展出,展期至10月31日。 mar ...全文



... 他們神話中戰神的名字Mars,為這顆紅色星星命名,而這名字亦一直流傳下來。 像其他古老民族一樣,中國人很早已察 ...全文



... 那麼多人踴躍報名參加Mars One的殖民計劃,只有去程,不設回程,風蕭蕭兮易水寒,壯士一去兮不復還,儼然是自 ...全文


Water flows on Mars, raising hope planet could support life

Briny water flows during the summer months on Mars, raising the possibility that the planet, long thought to be arid, could support life today, scientists analyzing data from a NASA spacecraft said. A ...More

EJ Insight2015-09-29

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