知名對沖經理阿克曼(Bill Ackman)無論任何時候都表現得冷靜沉着,對於認為不再物有所值的投資會毅然退出 ...全文
今日信報理財投資THE LEX COLUMN2017年03月15日
美國明星級對沖基金經理阿克曼(Bill Ackman)旗下對沖基金公司Pershing Square周一宣布, ...全文
觀乎特朗普當選後的市場反應,最令人覺得荒謬的,應該就是房利美(Fannie Mae)和房貸美(Freddie ...全文
今日信報理財投資THE LEX COLUMN2016年11月17日
一份對沖基金經理收入排行榜顯示,儘管去年多個對沖基金被不穩的市況重創,但無阻頂尖基金經理繼續吸金,去年賺取報酬 ...全文
US billionaire Warren Buffett had once recommended that the cash left to his wife be invested 90 percent in a low-cost S&P 500 index fund, preferably a Vanguard fund, and the remainder in short-te ...More
EJ Insight2016-04-01
記得股神畢非德曾經給太太一個投資錦囊,就是把資金八成投放於領航的指數基金,其餘兩成投資於債券,他並沒有建議太太 ...全文
3月16日,周三。同人唔同命,都是押注醫藥板塊,因涉嫌內幕交易長年跟美國證監糾纏不清的對沖大鱷科恩(Steve ...全文
加拿大藥廠Valeant Pharmaceuticals周二調低2016年銷售及盈利展望,更透露若趕不及本月底 ...全文
Valeant Pharmaceuticals International Inc. plunged 50 percent on Tuesday after it said it might default on its US$30 billion debt because of a delay in filing its annual report. The Canadian drugmaker ...More
EJ Insight2016-03-16
曾幾何時,加拿大藥廠Valeant Pharmaceuticals每當生意模式受到抨擊,總會以銳不可當的營運能 ...全文
今日信報理財投資THE LEX COLUMN2016年03月04日
Activist investor William Ackman has built a stake worth about US$5.5 billion in Mondelez International Inc., the maker of Cadbury chocolate and Oreo cookies. The share purchases are seen as Ackman's ...More
EJ Insight2015-08-07
The world’s biggest hedge fund has gone from raging bull to outright bear on the world’s fastest-growing economy. Bridgewater Associates LP told investors this week the country’s recent stock market r ...More
EJ Insight2015-07-23
A US court has dismissed a lawsuit claiming Herbalife Ltd. fraudulently portrayed itself as a legitimate firm and that shareholders lost money because it was actually an illegal pyramid scheme. US Dis ...More
EJ Insight2015-03-19