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美國大型零售商Target今年5月起推出「同志驕傲系列」(Pride Collection)產品,引起部分顧客 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2023年05月25日

【EJFQ信析】升幅依賴權重股 標指強勢難持久

... 事實上,美國零售巨頭Target雖然交出優於預期的業績,卻同時警告因物價上漲和利率高企限制家庭預算,估計第二季 ...全文


升幅依賴權重股 標指強勢難持久

... 事實上,美國零售巨頭Target雖然交出優於預期的業績,卻同時警告因物價上漲和利率高企限制家庭預算,估計第二季 ...全文



... 許可跌1.5%。■ Target首季每股經調整盈利2.05美元,淨收入按年升0.6%,均勝預期。管理層對今年餘 ...全文


Does China want foreign investment?

...  2023 GDP target of about five per cent, Beijing badly needs foreign investment. But its policies are losing the confidence of foreign companies. The raids could also dissuade foreign employees from t ...More

EJ Insight2023-05-18

債限協議在望 道指收市飆408點

... %。 大型折扣零售商Target上季盈利勝預期,但看淡今季業績前景,股價反覆漲2.5%;電動車生產商特斯拉(T ...全文


Target季績勝預期 本季前景料悲觀

美國大型零售商Target公布,截至4月底止第一季,每股經調整盈利2.05元(美元‧下同),預期為1.8元;淨 ...全文


Does China want foreign investment?

...  2023 GDP target of about five per cent, Beijing badly ...全文

今日信報時事評論EJ InsightMark O’Neill2023年05月18日

債限協議在望 道指飆逾四百

... %。 大型折扣零售商Target上季盈利勝預期,但看淡今季業績前景,股價反覆漲2.5%;電動車生產商特斯拉(T ...全文


Target少賺6% 唱淡今季前景

美國大型折扣零售商Target截至4月28日止首季度純利9.5億美元(約74.1億港元),倒退5.9%,經調整 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2023年05月18日

Dollar relief for the global south

... ed that a target federal funds rate between 4% and 4.75% would be appropriate for 2023 and saw rates falling to 3-4% in 2024. In that case, the dollar’s depreciation would act as a fiscally neutral st ...More

EJ Insight2023-05-12

REITs: A powerful tool for customizing real estate allocations

... to meet a target mix of property types. If an investor’s direct real estate assets primarily include office and apartments assets, but they seek wider diversification by property type, then REITs can ...More

EJ Insight2023-05-08

The coming crackdown on corporate greenwashing

... nced such targets, up from one-fifth in late 2020. While some of these corporate pledges appear to be genuine, others are clearly a fig leaf to obscure pollution as usual. One can easily imagine an oi ...More

EJ Insight2023-05-03

Why impact investing matters now more than ever

... itiatives targeting social and environmental transitions, it is essential to fund them at scale and in a liquid manner – so public equity markets will be critical to the effort. The enormity of issues ...More

EJ Insight2023-04-25

Tax the rich to save the planet

... ving that target will be extremely challenging, but it is both possible and affordable – if we ensure that the world’s wealthiest pay their fair share. Inequality has skyrocketed in recent years. Duri ...More

EJ Insight2023-04-04

Fintech,healthcare,luxury goods sectors poised for strong growth

... on in the target market. The big, well-established incumbent banks in many EM have often not invested as much as they should in their websites and mobile apps. In the emerging markets, whenever we can ...More

EJ Insight2023-04-04

Time for a break, but what comes after is unclear

... to its 2% target. As we had anticipated, the FOMC raised it policy rate by 25bp, but also flagged that the end of the hiking cycle is in sight. The main change to the statement is that the FOMC no lon ...More

EJ Insight2023-03-30

許正宇冀列目標清單 深化聯繫

... ,猶如一張目標清單(target list),投資推廣署將基於清單深化聯繫,推動家族辦公室在香港「加碼」或設點 ...全文


Fifty years of floating currencies

... ange-rate targets and toward increased flexibility. Every exchange-rate regime involves a trade-off between stability and flexibility. On one hand, fixed rates facilitate trade and investment by minim ...More

EJ Insight2023-03-21

The food-system revolution is coming

Disruption is coming to the agriculture sector. Around the world, livestock farmers are leaving the land, policymakers are targeting the harmful environmental and social effects of industrial meat pro ...More

EJ Insight2023-03-16

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