外電報道,英國電訊龍頭沃達豐(Vodafone)宣布退出Facebook虛擬貨幣Libra項目,令項目創始成員 ...全文
外媒報道,英國電訊巨頭沃達豐(Vodafone)宣布退出Facebook(Fb)虛擬貨幣Libra項目,令項目 ...全文
... 訊(BT)和沃達豐(Vodafone)正考慮敦促英國首相約翰遜不要禁止華為。 5.北京和深圳確診首宗新型冠狀病 ...全文
路透引述消息人士透露,英國電訊(BT)和沃達豐(Vodafone)正考慮敦促英國首相約翰遜不要禁止中國電訊設備 ...全文
... 41)考慮對印度公司Vodafone Idea、Airtel進行間接股權投資,上月已與兩公司管理層會面,並有意 ...全文
... 訊澳洲與英國沃達豐(Vodafone)合資的寬頻服務公司,選擇與諾基亞合作,將於明年上半年起,用5年時間逐步替 ...全文
... 沃達豐各佔半數權益的Vodafone Hutchison Australia(VHA),已選中諾基亞(Noki ...全文
Vodafone’s broadband services joint venture with Hutchison Telecommunications (Australia) has partnered with Nokia to roll out 5G services in Australia, Reuters reports. Vodafone and Hutchison were qu ...More
EJ Insight2019-12-30
... Inc. and Vodafone Group to certify that the modules will work on their carrier networks. Testing phones to ensure they will work on different carrier networks is one of the costliest and most time-co ...More
EJ Insight2019-12-04
... 帶來支持。歐洲電訊商Vodafone股價回落3.9%,瑞典Elekta下挫3.8%。 汽車股跌 零售股逆市升 ...全文
... s include Vodafone Group Plc and ride-hailing firms Uber Technologies Inc. and Lyft Inc. Its only payments firm remaining is Netherlands-based PayU, which according to its website does not operate in ...More
EJ Insight2019-10-15
... irtel and Vodafone Idea have used Huawei, as well as its European rivals Nokia and Ericsson, to build their 2G, 3G and 4G networks and have previously underscored the importance of having all three pl ...More
EJ Insight2019-10-15
... 比歐洲最大電訊商之一Vodafone擁有1.6萬個發射站,集團於意大利的發射站僅7000至8000個,擴建網絡 ...全文
... up、EE、沃達豐(Vodafone)及其他合作夥伴構建安全可靠的網絡。 對於華為可否參與英國5G網絡興建,英 ...全文