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Waymo自駕車犯眾憎 兩年被襲21次

美國《紐約時報》周一(31日)報道,Alphabet旗下的自駕公司Waymo自2017年進駐亞利桑那州起,當地 ...全文

今日信報財經新聞StartupBeat 創科鬥室2019年01月03日

自駕初創Zoox獲准載客 加州首宗

... 前該職位仍然懸空。 Waymo申請待批 同為美國自駕公司的Waymo屬Alphabet旗下子公司,早於2009 ...全文

今日信報財經新聞StartupBeat 創科鬥室2018年12月25日


Google母公司Alphabet旗下自動駕駛附屬公司Waymo,今日在美國亞利桑那州推出自駕車接載服務。 該 ...全文


引入新技術免排隊結賬 亞馬遜擴充無人店

... lphabet旗下的Waymo前工程師創立,累計已籌得9200萬美元(約7.18億港元),排名第二及第三為St ...全文

今日信報財經新聞StartupBeat 創科鬥室2018年12月04日


彭博引述知情人士報道,Alphabet旗下的自動駕駛附屬公司Waymo,打算在12月初推出全球首個商業自駕車接 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global簡訊2018年11月14日


... 元;Google旗下Waymo共投入了十一億美元用於無人駕駛軟硬體研發,是無人駕駛領域最大一筆收購,Intel ...全文


Volvo Cars taps Baidu technology to develop robotaxi for China

...  Google’s Waymo and US carmaker Tesla. It has since brought on BMW as an adviser and announced plans to begin testing self-driving cars with Ford by the end of this year. -- Contact us at english@hkej ...More

EJ Insight2018-11-01

Waymo wins nod for driverless testing without backup driver

Alphabet Inc.’s Waymo unit became the first company to receive a permit from the state of California to test driverless vehicles without a backup driver in the front seat, Reuters reports, citing the ...More

EJ Insight2018-10-31


... 技研發:無人駕駛汽車Waymo公司、研發長生不老藥的Calico公司、生命科技公司Venily、衞生無線上網H ...全文


Alphabet shares fall on lower-than-expected revenue

... f-driving Waymo minivans are now paying for rides, but the offering remains limited to the Phoenix, Arizona region and Waymo’s finances are not broken out. Overall revenue rose 21 percent to US$33.74 ...More

EJ Insight2018-10-26

Self-driving cars may hit US roads in pilot program

... et Inc.’s Waymo unit plans to launch an autonomous ride-hailing service in Arizona this year with no human driver behind the steering wheel. Unlike GM, Waymo’s vehicles will initially have human contr ...More

EJ Insight2018-10-10

本田入股Cruise 夥GM搞自駕車

... 跟Google子公司Waymo對決,出現單打獨鬥場面。不過,兩大召車軟件商Uber及Lyft可能加入戰團;另一 ...全文

今日信報理財投資THE LEX COLUMN2018年10月05日

Honda to invest US$2.75 billion in GM's self-driving car unit

... et Inc.’s Waymo unit in terms of resources and aggressive plans to launch commercial services. Honda, which has lagged behind many of its rivals in developing self-driving vehicles, is paying US$750 m ...More

EJ Insight2018-10-04

Alphabet先機已失 估值偏高

... 的地位。9年已過,在Waymo、Google入華、YouTube攻勢下,易名後的Alphabet,其優勢有過之 ...全文


Toyota to invest US$500 million in Uber for self-driving cars

... ving unit Waymo this year. Uber will combine its autonomous driving system with Toyota’s Guardian technology, which offers automated safety features such as lane-keeping but does not enable a vehicle ...More

EJ Insight2018-08-28


... 划算。以無人駕駛技術Waymo為例,它在2009年方成立,2010年相關技術在公共路面試運行,2015年便已正 ...全文



... 署是旗下自動駕駛業務Waymo在中國設立子公司。 資本350萬人幣 內地傳媒報道,據中國國家企業信用訊息公示系 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2018年08月25日


Google母公司Alphabet旗下的自動駕駛公司Waymo證實,數月前已在上海自貿區註冊,並已安排工作人員 ...全文



... 與優步(Uber)及Waymo競爭,為明年底在倫敦推行自動的士服務鋪路。 收集數據10個月 據Business ...全文

今日信報財經新聞StartupBeat 創科鬥室2018年08月15日

How can a company stay relevant amid rapid changes?

... r company Waymo was born there, and it now has a market valuation of nearly US$100 billion. The spirit of innovation is the key for companies to stay competitive in today’s world. Companies should enc ...More

EJ Insight2018-08-13

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