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台灣晶片代工廠台積電(TSMC)據報已向美國尋求恢復向華為供貨。 台灣媒體引述消息報道,台積電在周二(14日) ...全文


涉250億美元 抵禦中國競爭

... 知的包括台灣台積電(TSMC)及南韓三星電子等。 半導體製造業所需資本相當高昂,半導體工廠造價超過150億美元 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2020年06月12日


... 時報》報道,台積電(TSMC)將以5納米生產技術,為英特爾其他競爭對手如蘋果、高通、聯發科、超微等公司,生產工 ...全文

今日信報財經新聞StartupBeat 創科鬥室2020年06月11日


《日本經濟新聞》引述消息報道,大型晶片製造商台積電(TSMC)已經停止接受中國電訊設備生產商華為的新訂單,台積 ...全文


How developing countries create industrial champions

... s UMC and TSMC, have grown to become large multinationals in the global semiconductor industry. A focus on innovation and exports enabled these and other firms to achieve a level of success they could ...More

EJ Insight2020-01-17

【跨市博弈】貿易戰是「面子」 內地半導體製造仍是瓶頸

... 目前全球只有台積電(TSMC)一家能夠全面掌握10納米或以下的製造工藝 。其股價走勢更是凌厲,至今已累升近四成 ...全文


5G theme helps TSMC lead Taiwan bourse rally

... ompany or TSMC. The index heavyweight has surged over 34 percent so far this year thanks to the 5G hype. TSMC represents 23 percent of the index, which is capitalization weighted, meaning the bigger a ...More

EJ Insight2019-10-28

Opportunities and challenges facing HK startups in Taiwan

... s such as TSMC and Foxconn. Meanwhile, the island is also ramping up efforts in boosting its development in software. And one of the focuses has been the merger of hardware and software technology to ...More

EJ Insight2019-06-28


全球最大晶片承包商台灣台積電(TSMC)表示,該公司對中國電訊設備商華為的出口不需改變。 全球多個企業先後決定 ...全文


Gou may bring China and Taiwan closer economically if he wins

...  Company (TSMC). Replicating the upstream and downstream industry chain backing top players like TSMC still looks like an impossible task for the mainland in the next decade. And although a Sino-US tr ...More

EJ Insight2019-04-25

ASML falls victim to corporate theft, plays down impact

...  Samsung, TSMC and Intel. – Contact us at [email protected] CG ...More

EJ Insight2019-04-11


... l)、三星、台積電(TSMC)和高通,令巿場震驚。 難得的是Hock Tan宏觀上精明,在執行上也實事求是。例 ...全文


Does China really pose a threat to US in technology?

... ompany or TSMC. Currently, TSMC is capable of producing 7 nanometer chips, while its rivals in US and South Korean can only produce 10 nanometer chips. The Taiwanese company said it plans to start mak ...More

EJ Insight2018-12-18

Wai Kee bridge partners win silver in Asian Games

...  meeting. TSMC's former chairman Morris Chang – certainly one of Taiwan's richest – AIA chairman Edmund Tse and Geely boss chairman Li Shufu are also well-known, long-time bridge lovers. -- Contact us ...More

EJ Insight2018-08-30

TSMC fab tools hit by computer virus; 3Q revenue seen dented

Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company (TSMC) said on Saturday that several of its chip fabrication tools had been infected by a computer virus, causing temporary disruption in production. The wor ...More

EJ Insight2018-08-06


... 期芯片公司如台積電(TSMC)股價大幅回吐。港股熱門科技股例如舜宇光學(02382)、騰訊控股(00700)亦 ...全文


Is the iPhone past its glory days?

... hone. The TSMC guidance could also indicate that Apple may decide not to keep existing iPhone models for sale after new products launch this fall. That could affect TSMC orders in the short term. But ...More

EJ Insight2018-04-25

港股全周挫390點 瑞聲蒸發一成半

... 板塊科技股:台積電(TSMC)下調全年銷售預測,料今個財政年度的營業額將增長10%,原因是高檔智能手機市場需求 ...全文


中午吐128點 科技航空股受壓

... 板塊科技股:台積電(TSMC)下調全年銷售預測,料今個財政年度的營業額將增長10%,原因是高檔智能手機市場需求 ...全文


恒指升抵50天線即軟 復挫逾150點

... .9% 台灣台積電(TSMC)下調全年銷售預測,市場憂高檔手機需求弱,手機設備股全線受壓,瑞聲科技(02018 ...全文


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