
共 1407 個結果
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... 色,三一重工、徐工、中聯重科、柳工集團等均參與建設,中國品牌的起重機在巴西市場佔有率高達八成。 奧運地鐵「超強 ...全文


Caterpillar reels from falling commodity prices, Chinese rivalry

Even during the Great Depression in the 1930s, construction machinery titan Caterpillar managed to grow its business. But its sales have been shrinking since hitting a record in 2012.  Last year its r ...More

EJ Insight2016-07-25


中聯重科(01157)發盈警,預期截至6月底止中期股東應佔虧損8億至8.7億元(人民幣.下同),每股虧損介乎1 ...全文


Where should investors put their money now?

Hong Kong has seen significant capital inflows as international investors sought out safe-havens and high-dividend plays amid an uncertain global macro environment.  As a result, REITs and some risk-o ...More

EJ Insight2016-07-12

放水資金 流入黑洞

... 世寶(01057)、中聯重科(01157)與海信科龍(00921)均屬炒作一眾,逢低吸納。  (本文英文版由E ...全文



... 00175)及2萬股中聯重科(01157)。長實及吉利不用多提,前者是多家大行在本地地產股之首選,而吉利就因為 ...全文


英國惹的禍 股市被陪葬

... 收報44.35元。 中聯重科(01157)收市後公布,基於其內地A股估值偏低,擬採用深交所集中競價交易方式回購 ...全文


讀歷史 睇通「帶路」高風險

... 建築(03311)及中聯重科(01157)等股份可大大受惠,三年過去,這些公司的股價表現如何,有【圖】為證。 ...全文



中聯重科(01157)發盈警,按中國會計準則計算,預期截至今年3月底止,首季虧損6億元至6.8億元(人民幣.下 ...全文



... ,內地建築器材生產商中聯重科計劃以34億美元收購美國同業Terex。金額並非重點,值得注意的反而是,中聯負債相 ...全文


歐洲法寶盡出 是危是機難卜

... 龍工(03339)及中聯重科(01157)昨天分別急升8.8%及3.6%。內地振興樓市及拓展基建項目,機械行業 ...全文


Why we'll see more overseas M&A deals from China

Mainland firms are increasingly seeking overseas acquisitions in order to upgrade their technology and transform their operations, initiatives that are seen vital to survival in the changing economic ...More

EJ Insight2016-01-29

RMB depreciation to weigh heavily on mainland developers

Mainland property developers China Overseas Land and Investment Ltd. (00688.HK) and China Resources Land Ltd. (01109.HK) are expected to be among worst hit by the renminbi depreciation because a big p ...More

EJ Insight2015-08-13

Beware of A-share market correction

China’s A-share market may face downward correction risk in the short term given that authorities are looking for a well-supported bull market instead of a relentless crazy bull, which goes against th ...More

EJ Insight2015-01-06

Changsha: China's best-kept economic secret

The rise of Changsha, capital of Hunan province, has gone almost unnoticed. Yet, its stellar economic growth has already put it on the national map of emerging upstarts tipped to be one of the country ...More

EJ Insight2014-05-19

The Big Picture: CREAM OF THE CROP

It came as a surprise but the cream of the Chinese dairy industry is about to be included in Hong Kong’s benchmark stock index. Hang Seng Indexes Co. Ltd. said Wednesday that China Mengniu Dairy Co., ...More

EJ Insight2014-02-13

Zoomlion earmarks Chongqing for new machinery hub, paper says

Changsha Zoomlion Heavy Industry Science & Technology Development Co., Ltd. (01157.HK, 000157.CN) has entered a deal to set up an agricultural machinery hub in the Chongqing Bishan Industrial Park ...More

EJ Insight2013-12-30

Zoomlion acquires Germany's M-TEC, report says

Zoomlion Heavy Industry Science & Technology Co. Ltd., one of China's largest construction machinery makers, said on Wednesday that it has acquired German dry mortar producer M-TEC, Xinhua news ag ...More

EJ Insight2013-12-26

Journalist’s ‘confession’ threatens investigative journalism

“When I saw the reporter in prison uniform and handcuffs making his confession, I realized that there is no future in becoming a journalist in China. I will choose another profession.” Wang Liming is ...More

EJ Insight2013-11-18

Zoomlion may expand via acquisitions, website reports

Machinery maker Changsha Zoomlion Heavy Industry Science & Technology Development Co., Ltd. (01157.HK, 000157.CN) has not ruled out expanding its heavy truck, environmental and agricultural machin ...More

EJ Insight2013-11-07

頁數:1...63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71

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