There was a time when investors feared inflation, but it hasn’t been much of a factor for almost four decades – neither in the global economy nor in many investors’ strategies. This has led to a degre ...More
EJ Insight2018-10-08
零售商經常思考如何在逆市中開拓新天地,說易難行,但非無方法,其中一種方法可歸納為五個字──物以罕為貴。愛馬仕( ...全文
Facebook旗下的分享相片社交平台Instagram(IG)昨日出現故障,下午3時左右,全球多個城市包括香 ...全文
「港股見底未?」近日不論身處何地,友儕不停追問。美股隊長例必建議,參考曾獲市場技術分析師聯會(MTA)頒發「終 ...全文
近月股市大幅回落,殺股民個措手不及之餘,亦令各大投行分析員疲於奔命,紛紛要厚着臉把早前推介股票的目標價大幅下調 ...全文
截至今年7月1日,星巴克第三季收入63億元(美元.下同),按年上升11%,主要受惠於平均單價增加3%,全球同店 ...全文
When natural disasters descend some leaders magnificently rise to the occasion but others visibly shrink. Lamentably Hong Kong’s Chief Executive Carrie Lam belongs to the class of shrinkers. The probl ...More
EJ Insight2018-09-21
Since the dawn of man, we have always been looking for ever more accurate methods of solving problems. The rise of big data has certainly been a big help. Typhoon forecasts and the treatment of diabet ...More
EJ Insight2018-09-19